Frugal Tips To Prevent The Flu Virus
Stratford Ontario
DIY Improve Your Health
How To Stay Safe From Flu Viruses
No matter where you go in your hometown, mine is Stratford ON. There will be Flu viruses. Your Kids can carry the flu from someone at school and then spread it to you or someone else when they don't even appear to have any symptoms themselves. Any surface you touch can be loaded with germs this time of year from people coughing and sneezing and not covering their mouths. Washing your hands is the cheapest and best way to help to stop spreading flu viruses.
Influenza is several contagious virus diseases showing respiratory or intestinal discomfort. Do you think fighting the flu by getting a flu shot or spraying the house with disinfectants is all you need to do to prevent getting sick? Think again.
Getting a flu shot does not prevent you from getting the flu, but in the case you get the flu, the symptoms will not be as sever or last as long as someone who never received the shot. If you have elderly parents or small children in your household, they are the most at risk and if you truly love them and want to see them stay well, make sure you get one every year.
Wash Your Hands
How to Improve Your Health
Disinfectant wipes come wet in a container you can carry in your vehicle. It is a great idea to put them in your pocket to wipe off the handles of shopping carts... a big germ collector. In addition, if you use the facilities wipe off the knobs of the doors before entering and it you can avoid facilities please do. They are the most contagious whether in shopping malls or airports.
When you get back to your car from shopping, wipe the steering wheel and use a fresh wipe to clean your hands. The more times you clean your hands the better you will be.
Only blow your nose once in a tissue then discard it. If you have to cough or sneeze be courteous and COUGH into your elbow. Also if you feel sick... STAY HOME.
At home, it is important to use a waste paper basket for discarded tissues. Do not spread germs all over your home by leaving tissues everywhere.
Empty garbage more often and spray disinfectant on doorknobs and high traffic areas of your home.
Above all wash your hands when you come in the door from anywhere, taking out the garbage, going to do laundry, visit the neighbors, any time you enter your home.
The proper way to wash hands is to sing row, row, row your boat an old favorite song three times while lathering your hands with soap, then rinsing. Teach you kids this. This is a requirement for washing your hands before cooking in a restaurant. I had to learn this to receive my Food Handling Certificate.
If you do become sick.
STAY HOME and drink lots of fluids so you do not get dehydrated. By staying home you won't spread the virus to your co-workers. When I worked in a Nursing home, if we did get the flu virus we were required to stay home for five days. This is hard when we need the money, I know, but in a Nursing home it is mandatory.
Yogurt helps to keep your stomach calm and so does Coca-Cola. Take some Tylenol or aspirin to relieve your fever. Dry toast or cracker will also calm a sick stomach. The best cure for a sick stomach is lemons. Using an acid to fix an acid really works. Try it.
Sometimes when we get sick it is hard to determine what it is. Heartburn could also make you think you have flu symptoms.
Rest in bed. Some of these suggestions might sound a little overboard but if you stay well through flu season then it is worth it to you family. So please help you family and get the flu shot. I did last weekend.
Do you get the Flu shot every year?
How important is the flu shot to you?
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