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How To Use More of My Brain

Updated on March 19, 2014

Use Your Brain!

We only use a very little percentage of our brain power. What a waste! Imagine if we could use, let's say, fifty percent - we could be on top of the world!

Here are a few ways to train your brain, and teach it to work harder, just so we get a little more out of this very powerful computer-like organ!


Breath, Meditate, Sit Up Straight!

Breath deep. More air in means more oxygen in the blood and in the brain. . Several deep breaths will help you relax, and relaxing is conducive to clearer thinking.

Meditate. Just close your eyes and try to pay attention to your breath. Several minutes of simple focusing on your breathing will relax you, clear your mind, and leave you ready for any mental task.

Sit up straight. Posture affects your thinking process. I know - so simple, but so effective!

Learn a Language

Learn a language. Learning a new language introduces your mind to new concepts and new ways of looking at things. I know it's easier said, than done, but it will be worth it, since it is one of the best brain exercises.

Concentrate and "Find' Yourself in Writing

Concentrate. Concentration and clear thinking are more or less automatic once you remove distractions. Learn to sort of "stop" for a minute and "watch" your busy mind.

Write. Diaries, journals, poetry, note-taking and story-writing are fantastic ways to use writing to boost your brain power. They will clarify your thoughts and improve your creativity.

Exercise Your Mind and Body

Speed reading. Contrary to what many believe, your comprehension of material often goes up when you learn to speed-read. You get to learn a lot more in less time, and it is definitely a good brain exercise.

Exercise. Long term exercise can boost brainpower, which isn't surprising. Anything that affects physical health in a positive way helps the brain too.

Work on your creativity. Creativity gives power to your thinking.Work in your imagination!

Use techniques for clear thinking.
Cluttered rooms and offices can contribute to cluttered thinking. Organize a space for mental work. Sigh, stretch, and take a deep breath before you start on a tough mental job. Plan some distraction-free time for brainstorming.

Brain wave entertainment
The newest brain wave entertainment products are powerful tools for altering your brain function. They will relax you, and make you feel that you are just having fun, when you are actually working on improving your brain power! Try

Enjoy Your Life!

Do something you enjoy. This is a way to both lower stress and rev up your brain. The key is to do something active: play Scrabble, make jewelry, draw - whatever makes you happy! You will worry less and think more positively.

Adjust your beliefs.
Believe you are smarter, and you'll become smarter. When you have a good idea, make a note of it!

Sleep, Laugh, Play!

Sleep better. The quality is actually more important than the quantity. Take short afternoon naps to recharge your brain.

Laugh. The release of endorphins caused by laughter lowers stress levels, which is great for long term brain health. Laughter also tends to leave you more open to new ideas and thoughts.

Play. Stimulating the brain causes measurable changes in the structure of the brain. New connections are made and new brain cells are grown. Intellectual play, as well as any playing that involves hand-eye coordination stimulates the brain. Do puzzles!

Play, Play, Play!


Ask Questions!

This is a great way to keep your brain in shape. And it is so great to learn more about the world and expand your horizons, isn't it?

Remember to have fun with it. Exercising you brain should make you happier, more self-aware, and generally more satisfied with your life.

© 2013 Agnes


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