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How To Lose Stomach Fat

Updated on October 24, 2011

Living a healthy life which is free of all sorts of mental and physical stress is something we all wish and dream of, however, it is not an easy task and only a few are able achieve it.

The remaining are either victims of undernourishment or they have excess fat accumulated in their bodies which hinders their path of achieving a healthy life.

Fat in human bodies are stored beneath the epidermal layer of the skin and serve as a natural insulator for our body.

However, if stored in excess, this fat can be extremely dangerous as it starts to compress the veins beneath them, affecting the blood flow which leads to multiple diseases.

The amount and type of fat stored is different for different body parts and one of these types is the visceral fat.

The visceral fat is commonly referred to as the belly fat and is the most dangerous kind of all the fats. The fat stored around the belly may lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, dementia, heartburn, heart diseases and even cancer.

A part from that a fat belly gives quite an unappealing view of your body and completely ruins your figure.

Losing Belly Fat

There are a lot of ways by which one can lose his/her stomach fat.

However most of them are wrong as they are based on misconceptions and end up ruining your metabolism and your immunity system, making you immune to many dangerous diseases.

The following is a recommended and a healthy way of losing all that fat without losing your health.

Eat 5-6 Meals Daily

When it comes to losing weight, most people prefer to go either completely starved or to eat extremely less.

Such people do lose weight, there is no doubt about that, but then, they also shed years off their lives along with their weight. Remember eating less is as deadly as over eating, in fact deadlier.

A healthy diet consists of 5-6 small meals daily.

Having small doses of healthy food daily would stop you from over eating.

Not only will it make your metabolism run much faster but this would also cause a constant burning of calories!

Always Eat A Proper Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most dietitians suggest that a heavy breakfast (healthy one) daily, would never allow excess fat accumulation.

The reason why breakfast is so important is that, many hours of sleeping slows down the mechanism of our body allowing the fat to accumulate. Therefore it is very essential to eat breakfast daily and never to skip it.

Eat Fat Burning Foods

It is pretty obvious that while losing weight you are not allowed to eat junk and fried food and your diet should consist of less fattening, rather fat burning food. The list includes: natural fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry meat, brown rice, seafood, skimmed milk and eggs.

Always Eat Slowly And In Small Bites

One really affective way of avoiding overeating is to eat your meal very slowly and in very small bites. Try to keep the food in your mouth for a bit longer than usual and chew the food properly. Also you can drink water while eating your food, this will allow you to better chew your food, and would also make you eat less.

Drink A Lot Of Water And Increase Fluid Consumption

Water is the most essential component of the human body.

Life without water is impossible and normally at least 1.5 liter water consumption daily is required by our body.

Keeping our body hydrated is very important. Incase our body goes dehydrated, our liver wouldn’t function properly and the fats wont burn as effectively.

Fruits juices are highly advisable, as they are a raw mixture of many essential vitamins.

Other than that, after every meal, have a cup of hot green tea, this would neutralize the effects of the fats in the food.

Keep A Calorie Check

Calorie consumption of 2500 is normal for people with a normal weight. However, for over weight people who intend to lose weight, a mark of 1500 calorie consumption should not be crossed. Make a list of the calories that you consume daily and keep a constant check.

Exercise A Lot

A healthy weight loss is almost impossible without proper exercising. Not only does it put your body in shape, but it also increases the blood circulation in your body, which directly influences your metabolism to work faster.

Best exercises for a fat belly are aerobics and crunches. Weights can also be used to give your belly a good shape.

The best time for exercise is before the breakfast as there would be no food available to be burnt and the extra fat would burn effectively.

Losing weight is not easy and requires a lot of determination. If you have a strong will and the right determination, the above can be made easy and in just few months you can easily remove that ugly fat around your belly.

Fat Burning Abs Exercises

Easy Exercises To Loose Belly Fat


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