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Hypnotherapy To Quit Smoking - Is It Effective?

Updated on December 7, 2020
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I am a bibliophile who loves to read about new concepts and ideas. The next step almost always involves testing them out in real life.

Don't let smoking get in the way of your good health! Try hypnotherapy to quit smoking.
Don't let smoking get in the way of your good health! Try hypnotherapy to quit smoking.

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Addicts

Does hypnotherapy help to quit smoking? My father is a smoking addict. I can report various incidents where he has told us that he has quit smoking. But we - his family members - knew better. Even if he wanted to quit smoking, he used to smoke on the sly. He makes these frequent visits to a nearby store and smokes from there. The storekeeper was kind enough to tell us knowing my father's health problems. And of course, you can make out if anyone has smoked as soon as they enter the room, provided they have not had a quick spray of perfume or used chewing gum or anything of those sorts.

Now the problem is that my father has a cervical spine problem which is why he's doubly prohibited from smoking. It does no good for his nerves! How can we make him quit smoking? A close friend of mine also happens to be a smoking addict and he told me recently how he resorted to hypnotherapy to quit smoking. The result? He hasn't touched a cigarette for almost a month now. This is quite a feat considering how bad his addiction was. And not only has his smoking addiction disappeared but he appears to be a much more confident, happier person. Hypnotherapy has done a lot of good for him. And I'm convinced that this is what my father needs in order to quit smoking completely. Right now I'm on a quest to make him understand that he needs this treatment. I've not been successful yet, because he is the sort to believe he's not really having too many cigarettes.

If you feel that your loved one is not facing much success with quitting smoking, I recommend taking them to a hypnotherapist. Not just any hypnotherapist will do. I will be coming back to that point shortly. Seeing the wonders it has worked on my friend, I'm confident that it can work for almost anybody provided they take that one step forward to get the treatment. Wish me good luck in convincing my father -- because he is one stubborn man when it comes to spending money or trying out new treatments!

A Hypnotherapy Session
A Hypnotherapy Session

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a method in which experts use hypnosis as a tool to help patients achieve their desired goals. For example, hypnotherapy can be used to cure addictions like smoking or help you in being more confident. The patients are made to enter into a trance with the help of soothing music and the hypnotherapist will then ask the patient a series of questions in a calming manner. The hypnotherapist will then guide you and tune your mindset in such a way that you will be able to get rid of your negative habits/mannerisms in no time. A client will be subjected to a number of sessions before they actually start seeing results.

A Stop Smoking Hypnosis Session

Hypnotherapy for Quitting Smoking

It is believed that any sort of addiction does not happen at a conscious level. It takes place subconsciously, and therefore many experts believe that is necessary to get rid of these addictions at the same level. This is where hypnotherapy sessions come to use. By using hypnosis, a person's subconscious level is tapped and then re-programmed to help cure addictions.

Research shows that if done correctly, the success rate of hypnotherapy sessions to quit smoking is almost 65%. You have to be careful of those experts who claim that their sessions have a nearly 100% success rate though. Hypnotherapy it seems is not really meant for anyone and everyone. If someone is making such a claim, either they are not getting too many clients (something you should be wary of) or they are just bluffing it.

Hypnotherapy Success Depends On...

You might be wondering why the success rate is at 65% for hypnotherapy "quit smoking" sessions. Here are a couple of reasons why people fail to recover from their addictions after going to a hypnotherapy session -

  1. They might not have gone for all the sessions in the hypnotherapy program. You cannot cure your addictions in just a single session, and you must not even opt for those programs that claim this!
  2. Not all hypnotherapists are skilled enough to be offering such therapy sessions. My friend went to Alla Davies. She offers services at limited places, so you just might as well check out her qualifications and find out similar people near your locality.
  3. Hypnotherapy treatment can be very expensive. A quit smoking hypnotherapy session might need at least 4 sessions, and you might be charged per session. Now you know why my father isn't all that enthusiastic about opting for this program.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2011 Kalpana Iyer


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