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Jealous of Other People's Success

Updated on December 31, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Jealous Friendships

People are jealous in every part of this world. Jealousy is bad and hurts good people.

If you are threatened by other people's successes, it would affect you more when living in a small community as I am living in a small community.

I have noticed other people affected my successes. It happens everywhere, but in a small community, it sticks out in crowds.

I see how others feel about me having something of my own.

They too want to do something of their own but are trying to make me look bad in this process. There are mixed emotions about life. I am working hard for something I need to do for myself, and those people are just trying to destroy what I have with their selfish minds.

Competition is good and can go the wrong way if one behaves in such a manner. My open mind allows for a different approach. If they are half or anything at all like me this would be handled most respectfully.

They are trying to make me feel bad in their spiteful and jealous acts. When together, it is difficult to speak to them or start a conversation.!

Insecure, and inferior as they are, and don't understand my lifestyle. In such behaviours, it is difficult to comprehend what people are like toward you. Jealousy is evil, and I am just so disappointed in the way they chose to react at such times.

A small community should support my decisions, but as a foreigner, it is not how that works out here.

Their fake smiles and conversations came by surprise. I find that hard to accept from people with whom I often had laughs and good meals together.

Since I am reaching out to my goals freely their feelings are hating and anger toward my success.

People who were once close to me and made me think they are the good ones, have pretended to be nice and are opening their true feelings.

I honestly see their behaviours and spitefulness towards me with a clearer mind. I am trying to see this as another experience and not to see everything negatively. Greedy, selfish and the need to have for themselves and for others to have none is what I have discovered from many individuals.

Comparison and competition are what I am faced with and choose to ignore what I know won't affect me.

I learned a lot and live in this small community in a way that makes me happy and won't let that make me unhappy.

The jealous behaviours of these people have triggered my thoughts about how people can be around me.

Especially those whom I had spent time with and who had tried to impress me.

The poor relationships recently developed with such people have opened my eyes to true, and interesting behaviours.

When something goes well for me a few will celebrate, and others don't want to hear about it. I feel grateful to have positive people close to me.

On the one side of a coin one will feel inferior to others and on the other side one will feel on top. I am the winner because I have love, happiness, laughter and true smiles all the way.

Wherever I go, and whoever is present there, it is I, who brings out the attention and spark in that crowd.

My success has nothing to do with anyone, and I don't measure up to anyone.

Others feel they need to measure up to me. It is normal to be jealous of someone else. I don't take everything to heart.

People are often jealous and feel they need to be better than others.

Feeling jealous of others is not a good emotion. Being jealous is part of human experience. It feels worse when you experience jealousy with those close to you. People who are threatened by the success of others should look deep into their souls and get out of that experience.

In my case, these people are jealous of my success and choose to have something like my business because they know I am doing well.

This has gone to their heads and feel threatened by my achievements.

To begin with, you should feel happy for the other person's success, and not feel envy or anger for what that person has.

People need friends to find each other. Anyone can be successful, it is just the others who have become jealous of one's success that is a problem in society.

Life is special and people make their own lives. Competing with others has been just foolish and a waste of life to have to be part of such experiences. Success is to be admired not despised.

Whatever you do with yourself or for yourself, it is your choice. Other people shouldn't be part of what is not welcome in their lives.

First, they should try to be successful on their own to avoid being jealous of others. That pot of gold is not for everyone.

Why are you getting jealous or feeling threatened by the success of others?

Focus on yourself and leave others alone. Ignore that person feeling jealous and threatened by your success. Instead of feeling that way, do something to improve yourself.

People do well when they want to do well or when they choose to do well. The problem in my case, these people are wealthy but want to compete to show me they too can achieve something from tourism.

A problem that affects many people, but I feel it's disappointing to see this behaviour.

They made me feel welcome and together and close. To have to experience their jealousy is rather strange.

I trusted they would always be nice but lately have changed towards me. It shows on their faces and that has surprised me. Now, I have become the worst person in the eyes of others.

In my heart, I know I am not bad and don't see them as bad. The moments we shared, and this experience don't go together.

What does jealousy of other people's success do to you?

Jealousy of other people's success causes hate, anger, you feel you are on a lower level, a lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, and the feeling of undeserved.

People who feel they haven't achieved enough for themselves, are threatened by the success of others.

The negative thoughts fill the minds of jealous people. Fear or failure affects such types of individuals. You can begin with failure and everyone fails, but you must never stop trying to succeed.

Don't let fear stop you from making a choice or from becoming successful. In different cultures, people see different ways of coping with negative thoughts and jealousy.

Jealousy is in every culture and tribe.


Jealousy, hatred, anger, competition, less achieved, negative thoughts and selfishness are part of the unhappy lifestyle.

Fear, inferiority, lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, and poor communication, and understanding of one another can ruin friendships.

No matter how good of a friendship you think you have with someone, there is often that jealous feeling that would come in between your friendship.

This happens when you don't have a true friendship and, in most cases, you eventually see the true side of this person.

Jealous People


Jealous of others

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Devika Primić


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