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How to lead an inspired life - Inspire yourself and others!

Updated on January 6, 2012
Let this sunset today give way to a new beginning in your life - live life to the fullest and live an inspired life (picture taken by me, of the sunset on St Kilda beach, Melbourne and you can see the Spirit of Tasmania leaving shore)
Let this sunset today give way to a new beginning in your life - live life to the fullest and live an inspired life (picture taken by me, of the sunset on St Kilda beach, Melbourne and you can see the Spirit of Tasmania leaving shore) | Source

Leading an inspired life means living a life full of positivity, zeal and enthusiasm. Learning how to live one, however, is much more than following step 1, 2, 3 and so on. If you find someone who promises to teach you how to live an inspired life in a matter of days, ask them to stop kidding themselves. From a change in the very lifestyle you lead every day to a change in the way you think, learning to lead an inspired life is a magical journey. Are you ready?

Look up to someone

Whether it is a sporting personality, a film actor/actress, a business man/woman or simply a famous personality, you should always have an icon you can look up to in life. The reason why this is important is because you will be able to gain inspiration from the people you look up to and work hard to achieve the kind of success they have achieved in their lives. And before you zero in on an icon, make sure that they are worthy of drawing inspiration from.

Never be idle

Someone once said that an idle mind is a devil's workshop. They couldn't be more right. Don't bore yourself out by sitting idle in your free time, and before you even think about it, watching TV means sitting idle. The very idea of having nothing to do, is the number one killer when it comes to leading an inspired life. If you are really one of the lucky few who has spare time in life after finishing work, studies and the usually things that harass us in the rut of life, keep busy by engaging yourself in a new hobby. A hobby is just an example. The point is, find an activity that you are passionate about and can gain satisfaction from.

Keep travelling

Travelling exposes you to new places, new cultures, new ways of life and new people. This is a great way to lead a positive and inspired life because you will learn a lot, and embrace the good things or the good vibes that you get from each place. And before you gun this idea down, be informed that travelling does not only mean travelling overseas. It can be as simple as travelling interstate or even intercity. Travelling is a truly satisfying experience which will set a strong foundation in your attempt to lead an inspired life.

Have faith

It doesn't matter what religion you practice nor does it matter what god you believe in, because that's not what we are talking about. When we talk about faith, it means that you should believe that someone out there is looking after you. Whether you call this force your god, your angel or your protector, this figure that your faith relies on will play an important role in helping you lead an inspired life. A faith will help you to gain balance, stability and calmness which also go a long way in promoting mental and physical health, some of the key components of being happy.

Spend more time with you family

There are no better memories in life than the times spent with your family. Make sure you spend enough time with your family and carry memories that last a lifetime. Your immediate family members are the ones who are going to look out for you when you are down. So whenever you are plagued with negativity or lack of inspiration, simply go visit your loved ones, whether it is you parents, siblings or children, to get an instant morale boost.

Bring change in your life

Sometimes, the lack of challenge and change can be damaging to your overall attitude in life. Positivity and inspiration stems from the urge of doing something that you have not done before. Change, does not mean that you turn your life, your routine and your daily schedule upside down. It can be as simple as taking your coffee from a different cafe, exposing yourself to a new genre of music or as complicated as taking up a new role at work, and so on.

What problem?

If a problem cannot be solved, it's not worth worrying about because there is nothing you can do to solve it. If a problem can be solved, it's not worrying about either because there are things you can do to solve it. Do you see the point? The issues and situations in our lives that we call problems, are really not worth worrying about because they can either be solved, or they can't. In any case, there is absolutely no reason why you should let a tricky situation harass you. Of course, this does not mean that you give a blind eye to apparent issues, but it means that you shouldn't be stressing out day in and day out over a situation that can be managed. Worrying has a big impact on the level of enthusiasm that you carry in your lives, so stay away and live inspired!

Stop looking at everything as a conspiracy

Yes, the governments are up to conspiracy. Yes, the world leaders are conspiring as we speak. Yes, the big corporate and the multinationals are conspiring right now too. Unless you have the ability to change all of this with one swish of your magic wand, there is no point thinking about how the world is conspiring against you. Leading an inspired life is all about overlooking the negativity that exists around you and overcoming these barriers to succeed.

You are the only winner when people talk behind your back

For all those who feel bad and angry when people talk behind their backs, here's a question worth pondering about. How do you think Justin Bieber feels when half of the world thinks that he's a joke and a disgrace to music? The point is, when people talk behind your back, you should feel proud about the fact that you've done something that's worthy of their time, energy, and worthy of being talked about. Those who lead an inspired life actually draw inspiration and motivation of the fact that they are being talked about, and use it as a ladder to further elevate their level of success. What are you going to do? Are you going to be inspired or are you going to shy away?

Books and movies you can take inspiration from


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