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Life Oh Blessed Life; A peace to Manatita
Planting Flowers
Bringing Us Together in Chorus
Humble Offering
Somehow Manatita, brought this to mind, when it seems to be such a time of fear and hate
Just some poetry of gratitude which is my attitude. Perhaps some meaning I will find, perhaps to you it will be kind. I am not certain of the things I do, I never meant to hurt you too. Why oh why do I find this crazy solace in a world so filled with malice? I see a virus and as a living thing, should not its life we sing. Not so hard this living will to love your enemies even still. Disease and petulance are our lot in life, perhaps as a whole we grow stronger in strife. I dedicate this piece in stride to a man I know that gives me healthy pride – to grow.
Never in life’s delight
A Lantern carrier’s right
Words are mixed here and there
Upon sweet oceans of words declare
No I do?
Love is knew?
Bring savory lights aplomb
Cozy in my faithful womb
He brings life to dark
Not upon some selfless lark
A gift given to you and I
A gift to bring us all to try
Love is known to us
Let there be no more fuss
He brings a something, a joy
Like delight in a new found boy
We do not ever forget
The peace and breathe that he begets
Love is not beneath it is within
His constant din
So Manatita and I do not see eye to eye in conversing. Not strange at all for ever versing. My lordy! He and I are words and works apart. We come from different points of art. I am trained in preaching and law and have many children of who I call mine. He is a gift of care, a nurse so very sublime. He is trained and a teacher in Sri Chinmoy bringing to all of us peace and joy. But of all we do not compete. In my walk he does complete.
So let us be humble and taught. For Manatita is not for not.
The boy teacher and father student walk into the garden at night
No fear is here no awesome fright
The Lantern carrier is by our side
Leaving love here to reside
Let all the world have reprieve
If in the love to there we leave
Starlight, moonlight and sunlight
He gives to us so much bright
Travel the world to distant places
Joy in life in all it’s faces
New York, New York or South Africa
Germany and South America
Look not hard for the Lantern
Try not for you to earn
It is there right by your side
For in your heart he doth abide
Ancient Piute
The Curtain is Only Rising My Friend
I got up early in the morning and went outside a bit. Darkness is beautiful I must admit. It was a chosen area of my delight that I went to just out of sight. I found what I was looking for. Looking at me like I was a bore. Just my little garden mole. Creeping out of her hidden hole. Now it might be possible to think that I need a real good shrink. But I have Manatita to guide me right. Carrying his lantern to my delight.
Perhaps a person comes into our lives not for us. Perhaps they come in so that by touching us we touch another and they another and that was the real deal all along. I often think that Manatita is using me. Using me as a conduit to spread the love further and further. I like that thought.