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Living The Inspired Life
You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.
What is the Inspired Life?
What is it? It is making a choice to be happy and sticking with your dreams. It means living with purpose, meaning, and intention. We all have gifts. We all have callings. Living the Inspired Life is finding out what that calling is, and pursuing it, rather be carried along by the circumstances of life.
Set up your life, so in the end you will look back and be proud, no matter what circumstances life throws at you. And that's what I mean by living an inspired life. It's all about the attitude!
The Vagina Monologues Cast
Try something completely new! My Audition!
Variety truly is the spice of life. First time experiences usually leave a reflective mark in our minds for the rest of our lives.
I had acted before, but not like this. In November of the previous year I made a list, as per usual, of the goals I wanted to achieve the following year. On the list was "auditioning for the very next play that the Henegar Center advertised." Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the next play to be The Vagina Monologues. However, As I said that I would audition for "the very next play," I did and received a call-back, and was selected as a cast member. IT WAS SUCH A REWARDING EXPERIENCE, and one I will never forget.
Create Action Steps!
Create action steps and feel empowered to visualize your dreams.
Make goals, and do the action necessary to see them through! Start a challenge or set a goal today and watch yourself gain confidence and feel inspired as you work to accomplish it.
“A man without a plan for the day is lost before he starts." Lewis Bendele
Some mornings we may be tempted to crawl back into bed and resist the demands and responsibilities that the day before us holds. And as tempting as that may sound, it is not a good plan. We need a plan that encourages us to live the day fully. Our day is important and our plan should reflect this.
“Stay focused and embrace the moment, but live with the goals and dreams in mind.”
Be specific about what you want to achieve.
Draw up a plan of action and make the list of steps necessary to complete the goal.
Examine your goals periodically, and make adjustments, if necessary.....not in the goal, but in how you achieve.
Visualize your goal, always.
Share Time With A Good Friend!
Pink Floyd once said, “The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.”
There are few things more satisfying than recounting the greatest moments of your life with your closest friends who lived these moments alongside you.
The more positive friends you have, the better able you will be at remaining upbeat yourself.
Your positive friends will not only help you rebound from the negative hits you take in life, but they will also inspire you to be the best you can be. This means trying new things, achieving goals, and having the kind of life you dreamed of for yourself.
Quote about FRIENDSHIP
“Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.” Elie Wiesel
Make New Friends! They just might change your life.
Some of the most interesting people I have met came into my life very spontaneously. I struck up a conversation about simple things. People are interesting creatures, and no two people are exactly alike. You'd be amazed how many I have met who have become close friends. These new friends also opened my eyes to fascinating ideas and perspectives. Some of these friendships were created during the performance of The Vagina Monologues.
Make Wise Choices!
Whatever occurs in our life is basically the results of the decisions we made or did not make.
How do you choose to eat? Are you constantly eating fast-food, or do you spend time cooking at home, eating and savoring every bite of food? “You can’t taste the beauty and energy of the earth in a twinkie,” said Astrid Alauda
How do you choose to exercise? Do you exercise?
Who do you surround yourself with? It is important to get your surroundings as well as yourself in a positive state. Surround yourself with positive people, people who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests...not those who are jealous of you, or who are only with you because of your success. You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Which leads me to the next question.
Who is on your power team? Begin wrapping yourself around the best people to help you accomplish your goals. Your power team will be different depending on the investment method you choose.
“If you want to know who you are, look at who you spend your time with.” Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest.
Remember, iron sharpens iron!
Document Your Day!
Document Your Day!
Take lots of pictures. Keep a journal. Write down memorable events or moments in your day! Document your day so you can review it some other day. Many moons from now, these old photos and journal entries will ignite your recollection of great memories from the past.
I love to take photographs about simple things. Maybe I saw an unusual butterfly or a caterpillar. Sometimes I photograph unusual things I see around my neighborhood. As a photographer, my camera is always with me ready to capture the moment.
Overcome Barriers
Societal laziness
Band Aid approach
Make hard choices
Assigning blame….take responsibility
Work On A Project That's Meaningful To You!
Engage yourself in a meaningful personal project. Life is short. Today is the day to take action.
Fill Your Innovative Life Buckets!
The essence of a good Bucket list is achieving goals, overcoming fears, realizing dreams, but also the little things in life count.
Whether it are exotic adventures or just something simple, like spending more time with your family or friends.
What matters is that you enjoy all beautiful things in life! So make your own Bucket list and don’t be afraid to take a risk! Show a lot of guts! And, don't forget to include the following in your bucket list: Healthcare, Finances, Relationships and Spiritual health.
Many of us go through the day with so many responsibilities that we don't have even a minute to care for ourselves. Meeting deadlines at work, taking care of family members, responding to a demanding client -- we react and respond to the needs of others. It's time to do some kind things to honor yourself.
If any of these are out of sync, we are going to feel out of whack.
Challenge Your Body!
Learn a new skill!
Run farther than you’ve ever run before. Push yourself to the limits!
The very first thing I realized is that my life, to this point, has been rather uninspired. I have let life happen to me, and I just went where it decided to push me. I offered littleif any, resistance. As I thought about my life I imagined somebody making a movie about it. Who would want to watch that? It certainly wouldn’t serve as inspiration or motivation for anyone…as a matter of fact, I don’t think I would stay to watch the ending…not the way it's been going so far
Challenge Your Mind!
Cleanse Your Mind and Body
Our minds and bodies are constantly processing food, drink, thoughts, and emotions. Many of us are overwhelmed.
Be creative.
Build something from the ground up, no matter how small.
When I was first diagnosed with lupus, I tried the conventional methods using pharmaceutical drugs as my treatment plan. I found out that was not for a few days after treatment started, when I collapsed in an herbal store.
I woke up feeling really ill that morning and decided to search out more natural methods to treat this lupus. To make a long story short, I was rushed to the ER on the verge of a cardiac arrest. I learnt later that the medications that were prescribed counteracted, and caused a very serious problem. From that day onward I decided to go back to my roots. I researched herbal remedies and essential oils. Throughout that process I became a Certified Herbalist and Aromatherapy Consultant, and have been on the road of natural treatment remedies ever since.
Finding your meaning of Life!
Be Your True Authentic Self!
Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else.”
Take Steps To Wellness!
Awareness: We all want better health, more energy and vitality, but all lead such hectic lives. Where do we find the time to try new things?
Gratefulness Take time to practice gratitude, daily!
Direct your focus. Don’t look at things that are broken. Get connected.
Practical action De-Stress Your Schedule.
Take time to eat and enjoy your food. Do you rush through your meals? Poor digestion is linked to so many other illnesses. Practice good digestion. It all starts in the gut!
Take care of your skin. Your skin reflects what is going on within your body. Work from the inside and you will get great results on the outside.
Give yourself permission to be happy!
Living the inspired life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Someday the end of your life is going to happen.......
You cannot put a value on the quality of your life!
What will you remember? What do you want to remember?
You cannot put a value on the quality of your life! As someone diagnosed with a chronic illness, I intend to live my life, inspired by family, friends and all the joys there are to be experienced.
Please stay tuned for my next blog about my "Journey from Lupus to Living!"
My Essential Oil Calming/Enrichment Blends
I NEED CALM essential oil blend
To make large batches use mL as parts
To make smaller batch I use 1 part equals 10 drops
2 parts clary sage
1.5 parts lavender
1 part lemongrass
½ part ylang ylang
CHILL PILL essential oil blend
10 drops clary sage
15 drops bergamot
10 drops lemon
20 grapefruit
25 wild orange
How to find your Meaning Of Life!
© 2015 Gina Welds