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Living with Someone with P.T.S.D

Updated on February 24, 2013

Challenges of P.T.S.D.

If you are living with someone with P.T.S.D. which is post traumatic stress disorder you are aware of the unusual behavior.

You hear on the news about our troops from Iran coming back with post traumatic stress disorder that are having problems coping.

It was said on the news that more soldiers have died from P.T.S.D. than in the war in Iran. Just like in many other wars such as Vietnam the soldiers suffered a lot of traumatic experiences.

P.T.S.D. suffers and their families are fighting their on war. Living with someone with P.T.S.D. has its daily challenges.

My husband went to war in Vietnam he came home with not only traumatic memories he came home disrespected.

This disrespect causes his anger and frustration. He takes out his frustrations out on everybody and everything. He gets so frustrated he can't function. He sometimes breaks things in the house. He has gone to jail for domestic violence.

He often has nightmares and night sweats. He often has crying spells. We fight a lot because he won't leave the war movies alone. He constantly brings up the war in conversations that are no where near related to the war.

I become frustrated, angry or embarrassed when he constantly brings up the war in front of friends and family.

I can never relax or enjoy myself while socializing because he causes me to get anxiety because I constantly worry about what he will say or how he will behave.

I am constantly on eggshells because of my husband. He has a mood swing. He can be all right one minute the next minute he is balling his fist about something and you never know why he is so angry.

He gets angry and frustrated over things you and I think is spilled milk. My husband has a big heart. He tries so hard but he never can finish a project. He has no patients and he will not ask for help. I always try to help but depending on his mood sometimes offering my help makes him angry.

My husband also has shell shock. I remember we were at the gas station and someone driving by having a blowout. It scared me but my husband dove under the car.

That is just one example of shell shock. He is quite jumpy. Even movies effect his shell shock or any loud noise.

We got help through the veterans administration office to diagnose him with post traumatic stress disorder. He has had at least one appointment a month since 1995 when he first tried to apply for his V.A. benefits.

He is just now starting to get his V.A. benefits. They never recognized post traumatic stress disorder until 2012. So if you have applied for benefits in the past you should see the veterans administration and reapply.

My husband was so angry because they would not pay benefits for post traumatic stress disorder.

He's not getting 100% of his benefits yet but he is now getting 80% and we are working on the other 10% which he so much deserves for paying the price for freedom.


Vietnam Veterans of America

If you were in Vietnam and have been diagnosed with P.T.S.D. post traumatic stress disorder and have been denied your benefits in the past.

You should reapply for P.T.S.D. benefits. In 2012 P.T.S.D. was finally recognized to be a military caused medical condition that effect the brain.

This condition is recognized because it causes unemployable,mood swings,suicide,acts of violence ect...

Wounded Warriors Project

I recommend the Wounded Warrior project as a great source of information to all veterans and there families.


The GodBox is my own personal blog. Where I describe my life living with someone with post traumatic stress disorder. The good and the bad! I use this blog to express my frustrations with my husband and life and the joys. I also love to get and give support from those who live with someone with please visit my blog so we can help each other through the ruff times.


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