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Lose 10 lbs In Two Weeks Without Dieting I Did It!

Updated on June 21, 2016
On holiday last year, so overweight!
On holiday last year, so overweight!

The easy way to lose Weight!......

I am not one for diets. In fact I hate the word diet. The reason is that the second I know that I want to lose weight, I realise that I have to start cutting down on certain foods. The diet plans out there just bore me.

In fact I only have to read them for five minutes and I head for the cake cupboard. Do you know how delicious a chocolate eclair' tastes when you are reading a diet book? Go on try it, brings out the flavor!

Seriously, I have always been one of those people who lose weight but not in the conventional way. I used to sit at work and watch all the overweight woman stuff themselves with strawberries and raspberries, chewy health bars and just about everything else. And I would feel sorry for them.

I know that's not very nice, but hear me out. This is the biggest secret of the lot. To lose weight, you do not have to diet.

Eating a salad roll helps you lose weight, and its lower calories too!
Eating a salad roll helps you lose weight, and its lower calories too!

You only need to cut out certain foods.......

The one thing about adverts for diets on TV or in Magazines, is that they forget to tell you a fundamental obvious point. Just because the product has the word diet on it, doesn't mean that it will help you lose weight.

Let's take the obvious scenario. You are starving hungry at lunch time, you are on a diet. What do you eat? Yes, exactly! Low calorie crunchy bars. Lettuce mixed with fruit and nuts. Okay, you may like this food, and yes its very good for you, but the problem is, you don't eat like this normally. And your stomach and brain knows it.

The secret of being on a diet, if you like to call it that, is do not let your body know you are on a diet! Makes sense?

Okay, take me for example. When I have been sitting next to someone grossly overweight and listening in to their conversation, all I hear is, 'Well I ate an apple for lunch, chicken piece for tea, and had a cup of herbal tea before I went to bed'.

If that doesn't scream blue murder at your body saying, DIET! I don't know what does. So okay, what do I eat then?

The answer is, the same as you always do, without the obvious fattening things in it. While they sat there munching on chewy bars, I ate a huge bread roll full to the top with salad in it. Yummy! And when I counted the calories afterwards I was not shocked to see that I was eating at least 50 calories less than them!

So, in a nutshell, or a chocolate eclair' take your pick, never go on a diet. Just cut out the obvious things such as too much butter in your sandwich, throw lots of salad into your rolls instead of cheese, and just remember that rolls on their own are less calories than one of those horrible health bars!

The only thing you really have to change is, make sure that you don't eat after, say, eight in the evening, all depending on what time you go to bed. And if you get hungry drink two glasses of water. It's a fact that so many of us believe that we are hungry, when really we are thirsty!

I made my lunch slightly larger than normal, having two sandwiches and a yogurt or even a cake. Then later, about six o clock, I had my main meal which consisted of anything I wanted,. But with one main difference.

The way I cooked it. Instead of frying chips, I grilled the pre packaged ones. Yes I know they are fattening, but if you have egg and chips make sure you fry the egg with just a tablespoon of water in the frying pan. Water? Yes it works, and doesn't stick as long as you are careful. Steam all vegetables and never add anything to them apart from a pinch of salt.

If you are still hungry later on in the evening then that's the time to have an apple or cherries. So the food is obvious, but how did I lose all that weight? And without the conventional diet?

Using the stairs, outside bench or just your front step you can lose weight by exercise.
Using the stairs, outside bench or just your front step you can lose weight by exercise.

Cheat with easy exercise.......

I know the second I mention exercise you will all curl up into a ball and hide inside the cushions on your settee! But hear me out. Exercise is good for you. If you think exercise is all about building up your pecs, running down a track or just being so darn fit you can climb up a frame with one hand, well, that's not it. As we get older, especially if we drive a car, sit down all day at work or just not use those muscles, then they get weak and you will find that just doing ordinary things in the day will tire you out.

I proved this the other day when I was shopping. I wanted something on the bottom shelf, and without thinking about it, I bent my legs and did a sort of plie', reached out and picked it up. Easy. The lady next to me, at least ten years younger, bent at the waist, Uh Oh wrong move, bad for the back, and stretched down to get a similar object. When she stood back up, she held her back and pulled a face. Proved my point. We have to keep our muscles strong, so exercise is the best way to do this.

I have always used ballet moves ever since I was a kid. Using a ballet Barr, or even a chair back, learn to bend at the waist, stand on tiptoe and hold, and so on. It will strengthen your legs, back and arms.

In my case, I have just upped the anti. I have added another ten to each move. And incorporated sit ups too. It all helps. But the secret was to do it before bed as well as in the morning. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't lose those pounds, and then I started a ten minute regime in the evening. I can now get into my swim costume again! Yeah!

It doesn't have to be a hard workout. Just start off with two or three bends and stretches, and work your way up over the days.

A good idea is to make sure you have exercise room. It can be psychological. In fact I know it is. Before, I used the landing, chairs and kitchen tops to hold onto. My friend has recently given me a large mat. Now I have an exercise space in my bedroom. And it really makes me workout. Can't miss it, its there when I get up! lol!

You can use the top of the stairs or a chair.

Fun Exercise!

Horse Riding.






Assault Course for beginners.

10 lbs down and counting!
10 lbs down and counting!


  1. Don't eat diet food.
  2. Trick your body into believing you are eating normally.
  3. Pile on the salad, and finish with a chocolate eclair'.
  4. Drink lots of water, you may be thirsty and not hungry.
  5. Change the time of day you eat, and never late in the evening.
  6. Exercise! Simple gentle exercise will take pounds of you. Believe me!

So there you are, no big secrets, just common sense. But remember, the exercise is not just for you to help with a diet. Its for life. Don't get stuck reaching for something just because you haven't used your muscles.

A few steps each day just walking up and down the stairs will make a big difference. Use your house as a gym. save money, and you will get so used to doing it, it will become part of your day to day life.

You may see adverts that state you can lose weight double quick. Well that's just not true. It takes a couple of weeks for your body to really show up the difference. But hey! What's two weeks?

So go on, lose 10 lbs in two weeks! Or maybe lose a lot more if you just put a little bit of effort into it. Who said diet? Not me!

Copyright nell rose.

Note* This started out as a Lose 6 lbs, but......I lost 10 lbs instead! Yeah for me! lol!

© 2012 Nell Rose


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