How to Lower High Blood Pressure
To look at me, you would never guess that I am susceptible to high blood pressure. It doesn't really run in my family. I'm not overweight. I'm not sedentary, don't smoke, or drink to excess. So no one could have been more surprised than me to realize that hypertension, the "silent killer" had ensnared me as a potential victim with its insidious tentacles. Anyone who has ever had a high blood pressure reading can relate to my progression of awareness: checking myself at every Walmart pharmacy, purchasing my own blood pressure cuff, taking daily readings, then multiple readings, checking it twice, thrice, thinking, "Oh, my! Oh, NO!"
As someone who has always had an interest in nutrition and natural supplements, I began to read about various alternative treatments for high blood pressure, and to try different supplements in an attempt to lower my blood pressure. At one point I had such a complicated system of supplements that I had to buy an extra large vitamin box with compartments for different times of the day just to hold them all! If every supplement I was taking to lower my blood pressure lowered it as much as it was reputed to be capable of, I wouldn't have had a blood pressure! Did any of this work? Yes, actually .... to a degree ... to the degree that I remembered to take all forty to fifty pills and capsules all throughout each and every day. What did I take? Hmmm ... let's see ... Hawthorne Berries, Garlic, Flax Seed Oil, Cinnamon, Salmon Oil, Cardio Heart Oils, CoQ10, Niacin, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, L-Arginine, the list goes on. I tried the DASH diet. I purchased a Respirate. I meditated. Everything worked up to a point, but it also worked ME to the point that I mentally rebelled, would forget for a while, only to have the HBP return. I needed a long lasting "cure" that didn't take as much effort.
One thing that worked very well for me was acupuncture. After a visit with the needle lady, I was so relaxed that I not only did not have HBP, but I couldn't get a thing done for the couple of days following a treatment! The treatment, alas, was expensive, and the needle lady lived an hour away. Visiting her to keep my BP in control was not a practical option. However, one bit of advice she gave me was. She told me to take two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar every day.
Now I was already familiar with many of the reputed miracle cures ACV is supposedly able to provide. In fact, I had tried the ACV just a few months before, but without noticeable results. But I decided to try it again, only this time I purchased organic apple cider vinegar, the kind with the "mother" i.e. sediment, in it. I began taking, three times a day (if a little is good, more is better, right?), one teaspoon of organic ACV mixed with a tablespoon of apple juice. I'd measure it into a little shot glass, chug it down in one swallow and immediately chase it with water. It wasn't too bad. Apple cider vinegar contains beta-carotene and pectin, and is a rich source of potassium. It also contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, as well as phosphorus, chlorine, sulphur and iron. It is also naturally alkalizing, and helps to balance the overly acidic body chemistry that generally accompanies high blood pressure.
At around the same time my dog was diagnosed with hip dysplasia, and in researching alternatives for her, I stumbled across a product known as Mt. Capra Mineral Whey. It is a powdered whey made from goat's milk, from naturally raised goats, and a highly concentrated naturally alkaline mineral source. It is extremely rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and elemental sodium (which is listed on the label simply as sodium). The article on hip dysplasia explained how, in our bodies, elemental sodium is primarily stored in the lining of the stomach and small intestine, and in the joints. This caught my attention, because for years now, I'd been avoiding any and everything that had sodium in it in an attempt to manage my blood pressure, even to the point of canning my own tomatoes and tomato sauces, and such. For about a year I had been noticing increasing aches and pains in my joints that an additional regimen of supplementation had not helped. The article said that when the stomach and the lining of the small intestine are deficient in sodium, that it will then be pulled from the joints. I ordered a canister of Mt. Capra Mineral Whey and began to take a couple of tablespoons twice a day, in addition to the organic ACV. This was at a point where I had abandoned all of my previous supplementation, and again was struggling with high blood pressure readings. The flavor of the Mt. Capra Mineral Whey is somewhat like malt, and while it mixes readily enough with juice or even water,. I prefer to mix it into a small amount of Hershey's syrup, to which I add milk, and I cannot detect any flavor apart from chocolate milk. Two level tablespoons of the mineral whey contains an amazing amount of potassium: 1052 mg., along with 135 mg. of elemental sodium, 37 mg. magnesium and 260 mg. of calcium. All in a natural formulation that the human body can absorb! (Magnesium can be very hard for your body to absorb in adequate amounts, as can calcium. Potassium is not absorbed correctly if there is not enough magnesium present. Potassium and sodium balance one another naturally in the body as do calcium and magnesium, and imbalances of either duo contribute to high blood pressure.) It made sense to me that these essential minerals would be in a balance my body could absorb, coming as they do from goat's milk, which is perhaps the world's most easily digested milk. Mt.Capra Goat Whey is also naturally
I am happy to report that after about a week of taking both, I was stunned one day to take my blood pressure and find it normal ... in the 120s over the 70s. So I took it again. And again. Now, five months later, I know I no longer have high blood pressure. Also, all of my joint aches and pains have gone away! I no longer have to manage a pharmacy load of pills each day, and best of all, did not have to go on high blood pressure medication, with it's associated adverse affects.
Morning and night, I take two tablespoons of Mt. Capra Mineral Whey and a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of apple juice. When I remember, I take an additional teaspoon of ACV mid day, but it probably isn't necessary. My blood pressure remains low, and as a bonus, my dog (who I gets the whey in her evening meal) is feeling better too!