Lunesta: An Experience with Negative Side-Effects
Are you going through a chronic illness and can’t sleep at night? You should be wary of the side-effects of sleep aide medications. Always read the side effects on your prescriptions or your samples that your doctor gives you.
After months of dealing with an illness that has been
undiagnosed, I tried a new “sample” my primary care doctor gave me. Lunesta, a 5 mg tablet, gave me a headache in
about 15 minutes, and a god-awful taste in my mouth, I don’t know what it was,
but the taste lasted for about 2 hours.
The headache finally went away after about 3 hours. Ambien works best for me, 10 mg. I don't get headaches, I fall asleep in about 30-40 minutes, and have had no side negative effects, however do not walk around the house once you have taken Ambien. Take the prescribed dosage given to you by your doctor, and lay down, ready for bed.
Please be careful with any sleep aide drugs. They could make your blood pressure rise instantly, if you have a negative side effect like I did, with Lunesta. Headaches only cause more issues, as many of us know. The stress you may already be going through might not be as bad as a side effect of this sleep aide.
Report all negative side effects to your doctor or pharmacist. Make sure you ALWAYS read side effect information before taking any new medication, and make sure you know how to take it along with your other medications you might take as maintenance drugs.