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Magical Calendula Flower To Cure Ills

Updated on January 27, 2015

Calendula Flower Is a Universal Healer

Healing properties of calendula were known to our ancient ancenstors long ago. Ancient Greeks used calendula to cure differents sores and illnesses: to give treatment to wounds, furuncles, warts and callosities.

It was believed that calendula can cure breast cancer and damaged female genitals.

Its unique medicinal properties have been proved by scientific research.

Calendula flower is also called pot marigold
Calendula flower is also called pot marigold | Source

Medicinal Properties of Calendula

  • It has choleretic action.
  • It reduces blood pressure.
  • It slows down tumour growth.
  • It is a natural spasmolytics.
  • It's a great expectorant.
  • It's a pain-killer.
  • It protects skin cells from premature ageing.
  • It is sudirific.
  • It fights cough and angina.
  • It can stop blood.
  • It clears liver.
  • It diminishes allergies.
  • It calms down a nervous system.
  • It fights cholestasis.
  • It eliminates edemas.
  • It's beneficial for one's heart.
  • It clears mucous mouth cavity.
  • It is widely used in cosmetology.
  • It improves hair growth.
  • It is effective when the sciatic nerve is inflamed.

It is recommended to use calendula when treating mastitis, conjuctivitis, when duodenum is affected, when you have an ulcer, heart problems and liver conditions.

Calendula infusion is helpful to women with hypertension and during climacterium.

Calendula can relieve dyspnea, edemas, headaches, restore memory, eliminate irritation, minimize heartache, stop nose bleeding.

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Calendula Infusion Recepies Against Insomnia

  1. Brew one tablespoon of calendula flowers with one glass of boiling hot water. Keep it in the water bath for 10 minutes. Let the infusion cool. Strain it.
  2. Brew 1 teaspoon of dried calendula with a glass of boiling water. Let it stew for half an hour.

Calendula infusion can be kept for two days in a fridge. Must be drunk warm.

Calendula Anti-angina Recipe

Brew one tablespoon of dried calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water. Stew for one hour and strain. Rinse your throat 2-3 times a day.

Calendula is a medicinal flower
Calendula is a medicinal flower | Source

Calendula Anti-hypertension Recipe

It is recommended to drink calendula flower liqueur. To normalize blood pressure 20-30 liqueur drops should be taken in 3 times a day. The proportion is 2:100 with 40 percent alcohol. The liqueur must be drunk regularly for a long time. As a result productivity improves, headaches disappear, sleep gets better.

Calendulas were valued by ancient Greeks for their medicinal properties
Calendulas were valued by ancient Greeks for their medicinal properties | Source

Beautify Your Skin With Calendula

Facial tonic

Brew one teaspoon of calendula with a glass of boiling water. Stew for half an hour. Let it cool. Strain it. Use it to wash your face. You can make icecubes as well to wipe your face with in the morning. It is not recommended though to use icecubes when you have capillaries close to your skin.

Fight acne

Brew one tablespoon of calendula with a glass of boiling water, cover it and let stew for half an hour. Strain it. Use the infusion to wipe your face with in the morning and in the evening.

Rejuvenating mask

Crumble up a tablespoon of rolled oats and mix them with a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers. Brew them with some boiling water to make sticky mass. Apply the mask to you face for 10 minutes. Wash it off with warm water.

Grow Calendula in Your Garden

© 2015 Anna Sidorova


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