Indian Head Massage - 10 Good Reasons Why You Should Have One Soon
Stop The World I Want To Get Off !!
In today's ever increasingly fast paced society many of us are suffering from the effects of stress in one way or another. This can and quite often does manifest it´s self physically as well as mentally, leading to all kinds of problems and making us feel unwell and unhappy.
Therefore, isn´t it worth awarding yourself half an hours "ME" time once per week or so to treat yourself to an Indian head massage and feel all that tension and stress ebbing away ?
Your body and mind will thank you for it.
What Is Indian Head Massage ?
Massage for health, hygiene, as a ritual and for pleasure has been around for thousands of years.
Indian head massage is an ayurvedic treatment for health and included in the sacred Ayur-Veda ( Art of life ) a Sacred book of Hindus under it´s hygienic principles.
Indian head massage is carried out on the shoulders, neck, head and face. I also massage the upper arms as these can hold a lot of tension.
A variety of massage techniques are used and different levels of pressure also.
Thumb sweeps, finger pulls,champissage,thumb pushes,heel rubs,rolling and smoothing will be some of the techniques used.
I always ask my clients to let me know if I am using too much or not enough pressure. And also to tell me if there is anything I am doing which they don´t enjoy. I will then stop and move onto a different technique.
You don´t have to strip for this kind of massage, but I do prefer my clients have bare arms, shoulders, neck and head. I then wrap a large clean bath sheet around them to protect their modesty and my sensibilities.
I prefer to massage using oils so as not to pull the clients skin. A variety of oils may be used and can be tailored to the clients skin type or needs.
Anyone of any age can benefit from this type of massage, from young children to the elderly. Obviously only the most gentle of pressure is then applied, and some of the techniques not used. For the very young and the old gentle sweeping movements are all that is required.
Certain conditions, infections and infestations can rule out you having a massage, for your protection as well as that of the masseuse. Your masseuse should have a consultation with you before you proceed and any contra indications will be discussed then.
As with all treatments, conventional, complimentary, traditional etc. If you have a medical problem you should tell the masseuse and have a chat with your Doctor or Medic before trying anything new.
Most people however will be absolutely fine and can go ahead and book a massage session.
Although the massage is performed on the upper body ,the whole body benefits, and the relaxation generated is total.
Indian head massage can be carried out almost anywhere, it is said. But I prefer a temperature controlled and quiet location. I have heard that this type of massage is often carried out by the beach and other outside venues but I can´t imagine these settings would allow you to relax and get the full benefit from a massage..too many distractions for that.
10 Good Reasons Why You Should Have An Indian Head Massage Soon
Alleviates stress
Promotes good sleep patterns
Helps to rid the body of toxins
Relaxes muscles helping them to function at full capacity
Improves circulation
Increases energy levels
Improves skin
so go on and treat yourself to at least one, it will do you a power of good !!
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Hi I am bac2basics and have many interests which I write about and feature on
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