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May Your Bicycle Seat Affect Your Love Life? Buy Ergonomic Bike Seat Online.

Updated on September 28, 2010

ReuVera's Sketches©

Part of my childhood company.
Part of my childhood company.
Chasing each other was fun
Chasing each other was fun
This happened too. We didn't wear helmets or knee pads those years.
This happened too. We didn't wear helmets or knee pads those years.
My usual way of riding my bike.
My usual way of riding my bike.

Childhood "riders"

As a child, my summers were spent on a bicycle.

From the early morning till darkness my friends and I were roaming around the neighborhood on our bicycles. We almost never walked.

Of course, we were playing different active games, we were running, chasing each other. Sometimes we had our quite moments, when we just laid on the grass on our backs looking into the blue skies and spotting sheep, elephants and camels in white fluffy clouds.

But when it was about relocating, even from one block to another, it was a swarm of little bicyclists. And of course, we were jumping onto the saddles and bicycling against the wind just because, just for the sake of chasing the wind.

We all played together- boys and girls of a big neighborhood. Very often, probably most of the time, I was riding a bike in a standing position, paddling a bike without seating on a saddle.

It was fun bicycling like this, but most of all, I was doing it because my rear end was getting numb from sitting on the bicycle seat and what’s more (though I would not reveal it) my genitalia was irritated from bicycling so much.

The boys were more simple than us, girls, and they were jokingly whining that their “balls hurt”. One of the girls had a small cushion duct-taped by her parents to her bicycle seat.

Nevertheless, we did not even consider that there was any problem there and of course, those minor inconveniences never kept us away from the saddles of our summer two-wheeled “horses”.

Really? Bicycle saddles may cause sexual dysfunction???

Years later I read an article about erectile dysfunction causes. One of the reasons was riding a bicycle for a prolonged period of time. Actually, reports linking long term bicycling and impotence problems dated back to the '70s, but they were widely ignored and overlooked -- until 1997. A Boston urologist, Dr. Irwin Goldstein, who had studied the problem, said that "there are only two kinds of male cyclists - those who are impotent and those who will be impotent."

Wow, it sounded to me like too much. The explanation was reasonable, but nevertheless, how can you get damaged so much, unless you overdo bicycle riding? The explanation said that traditional bicycle saddles with a narrow rear and pointy nose might be the cause of sexual impotence of bicycle riders. In men, a sheath in the perineum contains an artery and a nerve that supply the penis with blood and sensation. The canal runs close to a bone and the artery and the nerve are compressed during the riding on a hard saddle. As Dr. Goldstein said, women cyclists had not been studied as much, but they might have the same problems.

The research shows that when riders sit on a classic saddle with a teardrop shape and a long nose, it puts pressure on the perineum. The amount of oxygen reaching the penis falls dramatically. "We make kids wear helmets and knee pads," Dr. Goldstein said. "But no one thinks about protecting the crotch."

I have also read other opinions saying that bicycles seats and saddles have nothing to do with erectile dysfunction or prostate problems. Just like not every smoker gets lung cancer, also not every bicyclist has sexual problems, prostate enlargement or other prostate problems.

This seat is attached to my son's bicycle.
This seat is attached to my son's bicycle.

Ergonomic seats vs standard seats.

I am not a specialist and frankly speaking, I simply don’t want to go deep into any researches reports. I am just a user and I am judging the product from the point of its functional convenience.

I still remember my feeling of being uncomfortable riding my bike with a traditional leather saddle.

I know that padded bicycle seats are more convenient. The same can be said about ergonomic seats, noseless seats.

When my son got a bicycle, we changed the standard saddle on his new bike for an ergonomic seat, which we ordered through the internet.

I watch the kids riding bikes in my neighborhood and I don’t see many noseless ergonomic seats on their bicycles.

Even if we don’t get deep into a problem of connection between bike riding and sexual dysfunction, we still may consider using more convenient bicycle seats, what do you think?

Also it might be not a bad idea to buy ergonomic noseless seats for stationary exercise bikes.

Schwinn No Pressure Bicycle Seat

Founded in 1895, Schwinn is an American icon of quality and innovation. They have built some of the best-known and best loved bikes -Aerocycle, Paramount, Phantom, Varsity, Sting-Ray, Krate and Homegrown, the new Sting-Ray, Rocket mountain bikes, and Fastback road bikes. 

The Schwinn® No-Pressure seat is designed to limit pressure point content. It's crafted with high-density, comfort foam.

Ergo Bicycle Saddles

Weather resistant seat molded with a cushion of polyurethane foam for a softer riding experience. The SEAT takes the pressure off soft tissues and tender organs and lets you sit where you are supposed to sit on your sit bones". The SEATs innovative, ergonomic design eliminates the protruding horn or nose found on conventional bicycle seats, providing a significantly more comfortable and healthy ride. For many people, buying a new bike also means shopping for a more comfortable seat. Traditional bike saddles cut off circulation, leading to discomfort and, in some cases, sexual dysfunction.

Hobson Easyseat Ergonomical Dual Pad Bicycle Saddle

Hobson Easyseat Ergonomical Dual Pad Saddle has NO center horn. Turn dial for seatpad width adjustment. Poly / Nylon Base chushioning Elastomer in each seat pad.

  • Seat pads move independently
  • Ideal for preventing Pudental Nerve Entrapment

Hobson Easyseat II Saddle

  • The first unisex saddle that prevents nerve damage in men and women
  • Ergonomically designed seat pads with single dial synchronized seat pad adjustment
  • The individual seat pads are 7.9mm apart, adjustable out to 38.4mm apart
  • Nu-leather perforated charcoal gray seat cover with foam/gel padding
  • Extended rails and seat pads for increased stability

Hobson Pro Hub X2 saddle

Hobson Pro Hub X2 saddle. A lightweight version of the Easyseat II Saddle. Separate seat pads for the sit bones, and no nose. The first unisex saddle that prevents nerve damage in men and women. Lightweight design with magnesium base, powder coated in silver. Sleek ergonomic seat pad with denser padding with aluminum dial seat pad adjustment. The individual seat pads are 7.9mm apart, adjustable out to 38.4mm apart. Includes all the other features of the Easyseat II !

Adjust Schwinn Ergonomic seats to Exercise bikes

ReuVera's sketches© used in this hub CANNOT be used anywhere by anyone else.


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