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Morning Breath - What the American Dental Association (ADA) Advises For Tackling Bad Breath

Updated on April 4, 2011

Morning Breath : What the ADA Advises

On the subject of Morning Breath (Bad Breath, Halitosis) - the American Dental Association (ADA) has some sensible information and advice on it's website.

It's particularly important to get to grips with Bad Breath as it can be the kiss of death for your relationships, job prospects and your self-esteem. Unfortunately, many people with Bad Breath are unaware they have the problem, so a good rule of thumb is to develop habits that will give you great oral health whatever your situation.

Get the GUARANTEED Fast and Natural Fix for Gum Disease and Bad Breath

 If you want to avoid antibiotics, drugs and expensive, painful dental visits by using a 100% natural home remedy that's guaranteed (for a whole year) to fix your bad breath and gum disease - then follow the link to this specialist gum website for top gum advice and all the details of how to finally say "goodbye" to bad breath and gum problems - Click here > > > Perfect Oral Health

In essence, the American Dental Association suggests the following:

Morning Breath : The ADA Overview

The ADA agrees that Morning Breath is unpleasant and socially damaging. They suggest that a visit to your dentist will identify the root cause of your Bad Breath. Furthermore, if the source is due to conditions in your mouth, he or she will recommend a suitable course of treatment.

ADA's Assessment of the Causes of Morning Breath

The ADA finds that Bad Breath can originate, or be exacerbated by a number of factors. They suggest that eating garlic and onions and other strong foods creates unpleasant odors that brushing, mouth-washing and flossing may mask, but are unable to eliminate.

Bacteria multiply in the mouth and feed off minute food particles lodged between the teeth, and in the gums, and on the tongue. This bacterium gives off bad smelling odors. These particles can rot if not removed by regular brushing,

ADA's Recommended Ways to Control Morning Breath

The American Dental Association advises that maintaining good oral health is essential in reducing bad breath. They advise making regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning and checkups. They also suggest that bad breath sufferers should first take into consideration the foods eaten and any medications or surgery you've had recently that may be contributory factors.

Mouth Maintenance Recommended by the ADA
Brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste is the Association's suggestion for removing food debris and plaque. They also suggest brushing your tongue as well. Using floss or an inter-dental cleaner once a day will help to remove debris from between the teeth.

The ADA's conclusion is that mouthwashes are mostly cosmetic and provide only a very temporary disguise that simply masks the underlying bad breath problems. Anyone with a constant need to hide their bad breath should seek out a treatment that destroys the micro-organisms present in the mouth.

Are the ADA's Tips the Best Cure for Morning Breath?

It's pretty safe to say that the ADA has our very best interests at heart. Their suggestions for maintaining great oral health are excellent in most respects. Regular cleaning and a schedule of dental visits are a necessary part of keeping your teeth and gums in good shape.

However, their recommendation that you should use fluoride toothpaste can now be bettered in the light of current evidence based on considerable consumer feedback and case studies.

Whereas regular brushing is excellent advice from the ADA, there is now better advice available on the use of a tooth cleaning agent. It has been clearly shown that the proprietary brands of toothpaste we buy over the pharmacy counter, contain foamy cocktails of chemicals that are there to enhance the taste and feel of the products. Some of these chemicals actually assist in providing an excellent environment where the bad bacteria can breed and multiply unchecked in your mouth.

Clearly, and unarguably, toothpaste is neither a cure nor a preventative measure for Bad Breath or Gum Disease.

Is there Anything Better than Toothpaste ?

As a previous sufferer of Bad Breath and the early stages of Gum Disease, I needed to find a simple and effective cure. After much research, I discovered a completely natural product called OraMD that is an excellent replacement for toothpaste.

This product is made from natural ingredients that are both safe and extremely efficient in halting Bad Breath. Quite incredibly, OraMD also stops and reverses the signs of Gum Disease. As a toothpaste replacement, it benefits the whole family by maintaining excellent oral health.

As I was initially skeptical, I found the (almost) 50 pages of glowing testimonials on the product's website were a great encouragement and gave me the confidence to buy the product and to subsequently make a noticeable improvement to my health and confidence.

To Sum up the Morning Breath Debate

The American Dental Association offers sound and sensible advice on the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. However, their clear guidance can be improved by changing their recommendation for fluoride toothpaste and substituting a natural product such as OraMD instead of the toothpaste products that offer no real benefits.

You can read more details about OraMD on my review page by following this link > > > "How OraMD Cured My Morning Breath" where you will discover how me and my family benefitted from using this natural product. You will also find links to buy a trial bottle of the product (365 day guarantee) and read the many many testimonials, some of which tell quite heart-warming stories.

Keep smiling

Rosie Smith

To Read More Information on the Subject of Bad Breath and Gum Disease - Follow the Links Below

OraMD is a 100% natural and powerful antibacterial home cure that wipes out oral bacteria to leave you with fresh breath. It also protects gums that have been damaged by gum disease allowing your gums to heal naturally.

To get more details follow this link > > > OraMD Oral Health


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