Natural Treatment of Homeopathy
Mixing the Ingredients
Homopathy History
In 1796, German physician Samuel Hahnemann treated patients with heavily diluted preparations which are claimed to cause effects similar to the symptoms presented. Each dilution brought the assumption that each of the increases effects the treatment. Homeopaths call this process "potentization". Dilution often continues until none of the original substance remains.
Homeopaths use aspects of the clients’ psychological and physical state in recommending remedies. Unlike conventional prescribe medication, homeopathic remedies are considered safe with no or little side effects, with some rare exceptions.
According to modern homeopaths, it is believed that water has a memory. With these preparations working without any of the original substance is possible. The use of remedies lacking active ingredients has even homeopathy a name of quackery.
The philosophy of homeopathy is that it interprets diseases and sickness as caused by disturbances in a hypothetical life force. Homeopaths believe that internal and external causes, example: a negative sate of mind can attract diseases. Developing a positive energy along with homeopathic treatment can cure the element.
Homeopathy uses animal, plant, mineral, and synthetic substances in its remedies. Treatments called nosodes made from diseased or pathological products such as fecal, urinary, and respiratory discharges, blood, and tissue. Homeopathic remedies prepared from healthy specimens are called Sarcodes.
Homeopathy is a natural way of taking medication without a prescription and without bad side effects.
James Randi explains homeopathy
Books on Homeopathic Medicine
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