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Natural body scrubs - Homemade body scrubs and how to use them

Updated on March 28, 2012

Homemade body scrubs

Body scrubs help remove or exfoliate the dead skin cells that adheres to the outermost layer of the skin. Exfoliation with a good natural body scrub leaves your skin soft and supple. Body scrubs could precede other skin treatments or they could be a part of your beauty regime. Natural scrubs do not strip your skin of their natural oils and do not damage your skin if done correctly.

Our skin is constantly producing new cells at a deeper level, the older skin rises to the top and dies. Although the dead cells shed naturally, they sometimes cling to the skin making it seem dull and lifeless. As we grow older this process of cell production and sloughing off seems to slow down and dead skin cells pile up unevenly on the skin, making it look old and rough. Exfoliation is sloughing off the dead with body scrubs and or peels allowing a the newer smoother skin to show up. Using a body scrub regularly also helps improves blood circulation and to fight cellulite.


What is a body scrub ?

An abrasive product is mixed with some smooth creamy substance and massaged on the body to slough off the dead skin. There are various products that you can buy off the counter, but if you are fussy about letting chemicals near your skin then you just need to make your own body scrub. It is simple and easy to make body scrubs from the things available in your kitchen. Homemade body scrubs are equally if not more efficient than the products that you buy from a store. making body scrubs at home is not only a good idea to save money but a safer option as well.

cocoa body scrub with coffee grounds
cocoa body scrub with coffee grounds | Source

Natural body scrub recipes

Homemade cocoa body scrub with coffee grounds


3 tsp of coffee grounds

1 tsp of cocoa powder

1 cup of coconut oil 1/4 cup of coconut cream.

Mix coffee ground and cocoa powder in a bowl. Add coconut oil and mix well until it is blended. Now slowly work the the coconut cream into it until the cream looks even and creamy. This scrub is more abrasive than the other recipes so you could keep this for alternate weeks or for areas that are very dry and patchy. This scrub leaves your skin fresh and tingling and if you love the smell of coffee and cocoa you would truly enjoy this scrub. This is only meant for the body avoid using it on your facial skin.

Natural body scrubs
Natural body scrubs | Source

Homemade body scrub recipes

Coco-cream and oatmeal body scrub


¾ cup of ground oatmeal

½ cup of coconut cream

1/4 tsp of sea salt

1 tbsp of honey

Add a few drops of ylang ylang aroma oil to the coconut cream. Mix in the honey, add oatmeal and sea salt to it and mix it until it is well blended . You could add a few drops of water to it when you use it, to improve the consistency of the scrub.

Banana and dried orange peel powder body scrub
2 overripe bananas
1 cup yogurt or curd
1/2 Dried orange peel powder (you could do this at home dry the peels and mill it in a blender and store it)
Peel and mash 2 over ripe bananas, add a cup of curd/ plain yogurt to it. Mix in the dry orange peel powder. Work in a quarter cup of coconut oil and mix till fully blended. This makes a wonderful hydrating body scrub for dry skins. A few drops of vetiver aroma oil could help you feel rejuvenated.

Avocado and fennel seed body scrub


1/4 tablespoon of sea salt

3 tsp of fennel seed powder

1 cup of over ripe avocado chopped

2 tablespoon of coconut oil

Mix all dry ingredients well in a bowl. Add the avocado and mash it with a fork until evenly blended. Add the coconut oil and mix until it looks smooth and even. Use it for a scrub when your skin is dry and needs extra care. This scrub leaves your skin fresh, tingling and moisturized.

How to exfoliate with a natural body scrub

Soak and soften your skin in a tub or under a shower for about five minutes for best results.

Apply a scrub of your choice and rub lightly with a moist washcloth. Circular motions are recommended for good circulation.

Never rub hard or for too long in one area, you could damage your skin and hurt yourself as there is an abrasive present in your scrub.

Take help from your partner to scrub your back. This could turn relaxing and romantic.

Body scrub once a week should be enough to keep away dead skin.

Never apply the body scrub on your face. These scrubs mentioned here are for your body. You face has delicate skin which needs a different kind of scrub.

Relax and let the tension leave your body. Playing some soft soothing music helps you relax and enjoy your scrub time.

After a scrub be sure to apply some nourishing cream or body butter to help your skin remain soft and supple.


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