Neti Pot for Sinus Allergy Relief
The Neti Pot is more useful than you might think...
You are either a fan of the neti pot or you aren't. If you aren't already a fan of this nasal irrigation system, I hope to make you one. I have been a fan of the neti pot for over 10 years.
I have no shame admitting that I like showering my sinuses with water, kosher salt and baking soda. I emphasize kosher salt, because that is pure salt, there are no additives.
I like to cleanse my nasal cavity from allergens, germs and bacteria. If you are like me and do NOT like the smell of strong perfumes or scents of any kind, the neti is great to rinse out the odors.
My daughter introduced me to it. I told her "no way, I'm not going to stick that plastic teapot in my nose!" She dared me. Oh my. I accepted the dare, of course.
After a few accidents of sort, I finally perfected the neti pot and I was in awe! I've been addicted ever since.
How to Use the Neti Pot
The neti pot cleanses your sinuses. Some people refer to the neti pot as a Nose Bidet or a Sinus Shower, what ever you call it, chances are you will call it often.
Neti Pots help cut down on sinus headaches. They also help cut down on costs of over the counter medications you might use to self medicate due to sinus issues.
Neti Pots come in different shapes, such as a squeeze bottle. I prefer the little teapot, maybe because I'm short but not so stout. The squeeze bottle didn't work out well for me.
This small piece of genius is very simple to use once you get the hang of it. Here are some basic tips...
- Water should be room temperature. I used both cold and hot by accident, it wasn't a pretty sight.
- Add about a teaspoon of solution to water, using a plastic spoon and stir well. You are now ready to do the neti!
- Bend head slightly forward, insert end of neti pot into one nostril and the solution comes out the other end.
- Blow gently.
- Proceed to other side.
- Blow gently.
It's that simple. Not at first of course. It does take a few tries to master the neti pot. In the long run you will be thankful and have clean sinuses and hopefully less illnesses. Be sure and run the neti pot through the dishwasher at least once a week to keep it sanitary. If you have an illness such as a cold, clean it with hot sudsy water more often,
How to Make Your Own Neti Pot Solution
You could purchase the saline packets from a pharmacy or grocery store. The individual packets, in my opinion are a waste of money.
The solution is very basic to make yourself...water, baking soda and kosher salt. You could easily make your own for pennies. Use three parts kosher salt to one part baking soda.
I usually make enough solution to last at least a month because I neti twice a day. Morning and bedtime. Recently I began just using the neti before bedtime to cleanse my nasal cavities of the days germs. Plus, it's very refreshing. My sinuses tend to be dry at times. The neti helps to moisturize them.
I also use it after doing yard work. All mold spores or allergens that I might have inhaled and are now nestled in my nasal area will be washed away.
I was thrilled when recently Dr. Oz rated the Neti Pot "Best of the Best." This meant that more people would discover this amazing home treatment, that's actually an ancient Hindu practice.
It's advisable to use distilled water or to boil water (and allow to cool) since tap water could have bacteria in it which could cause havoc on the brain. I use tap water. Always have. Only you know how safe your water is. If in doubt use distilled or boiled.
Neti pots come in plastic or ceramic. No matter what material your pot is made of it's imperative to clean it daily and allow it to air dry. Bacteria could harbor in the pot and that's not a good thing. You could run it through the dishwasher. I clean mine daily with dish soap and allow it to air dry.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, have hay fever, post nasal drip or have frequent sinus infections you just might benefit from a neti pot. You also might become addicted.
Dr. Oz and Oprah - Neti Pot
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© 2015 Linda Bilyeu