Legalization of marijuana. (What if Marijuana Could Cure Cancer and other ills?)
Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana is less harmful to the body than alcohol.
What if it could cure cancer? What if it could replace 5 different pharmaceuticals currently on the market?
Does the greed of the drug companies, and all others who exploit cancer patients have the right to deny this cancer cure in the name of preserving their precious net profits?
Our corporate government seems to think so.
The "legal" marijuana fiasco - a complete failure:
It is unbelievable that this is still such a hot issue. "Pot" has been around from the beginning of time, and will never be eradicated. I for one, would be horrified if it ever were.
This is a plant created by God and Good old Mother Nature.
It has the power to soothe, calm the spirit, provide clothing, paper goods, medicine, oil in abundance, (both for cooking and to replace the environmentally destructive petroleum oils now in use, and most importantly-medicinal).
So just who demonized this wonderful creation?
I think we all know the answer to that question.
If the truth be told, its use is more prevalent than any government agency knows, or cares to admit.
There have been no relevant studies done that prove that its use promotes progression to "harder" drugs.This is only a great scare tactic used by those who would continue banning its use for their own agendas.
We tried banning alcohol for all the same reasons that pot is now banned. It does not matter how many laws are made to stop its use, that ain't ever gonna happen.
People want to use it, and will, regardless of how many inane laws they make. Just as alcohol was used during the prohibition era.
Legalizing marijuana would increase tax revenues (i am sure by billions, or more, per year), decrease drug trafficking, and create jobs.
A win-win situation.
Not to mention how much it would lessen the burden on our justice/court system, as well as our jail/prison system, and stop creating felons.
Another win-win situation.
Those countries that have legalized the use of this plant, have already proven that these things are in fact, facts.
Marijuana, (otherwise known as hemp, pot, grass, weed, and cannabis) grows faster, makes better oil products for cooking and commercial use (and unlike petroleum base oils are environmentally friendly and renewable), makes better quality clothing, makes better quality paper products, and saves trees.
In case the politicians have forgotten what trees are:
They are the providers of our life giving oxygen supply.
They take years to grow to maturity.
They provide safe harbors and homes for thousands of living creatures.
And they cleanse the air by using up carbon dioxide as their fuel
- Another win-win situation.
The only losers?
Big greedy industries that want to continue to exploit and destroy our planet's rain forests and destroy the natural habitats of thousands of living creatures, just to feed their greed.
Another win-win situation.
Does Man Really Have the Right to Ban ANY of God's Creations?
A sign of the changing times
- Five Prescription Drugs that Could be Replaced by Pot
Here are five prescription medications that could be replaced by cannabis.
Learn how marijuana and drugs derived from the marijuana plant can affect cancer-related symptoms.
- Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base
The medical use of marijuana is surrounded by a cloud of social, political, and religious controversy, which obscures the facts that should be considered in the debate. This book summarizes what we know about marijuana from evidence-based medicine--t
A cure for cancer?
Can Marijuana Cure Cancer?
- Believe it or not - a Harvard study released in April 2007, showed that the active ingredient in marijuana (THC = tetrahydrocannabinol) cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread !!! (more detail can be found via the link i provided below regarding this study).-
- A British pilot study testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth showed that , after 3 weeks of standard injections of THC into mice with implanted human lung cancer cells, the tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50%. There was also about a 60% reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs, as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression.-
- The NCI (national Cancer Institute) scientists feel that THC was more effective than synthetic pharmaceuticals were, as a "first-line therapy" against nausea and vomiting caused by the use of anticancer drugs.-
- The IOM (Institute of Medicine)(part of the National Academy of Sciences) has published a report assessing the scientific knowledge of health effects and possible medical uses of marijuana. The IOM project was funded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. The IOM released its report on March 17, 1999. (more detail can be found through the link i provided below on this study).
Researchers say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound (THC) inhibits EGF (induced growth factor) and EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor), expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines.
Lung cancers that over express EDGF are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy. These researcher results go on to explain the chemical details of how and why THC works, but they are irrelevant for the purpose of this article.
Throughout man's history, marijuana (a member of the hemp family of plants) has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge, hemp as always been used as a political and religious football.
- Top Ten Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Now
The war on drugs is like the classic mafia protection racket: our government creates a perpetual problem and then charges us exorbitantly to "protect" us from it.
Who is keeping it illegal?
The current restrictions against hemp were put in place and maintained, not because hemp is evil, or harmful, but for big business to make more big money profits, while millions of people who could possible be saved, suffer and die at their greedy hands.
If individuals were allowed to grow hemp in our back yards for personal use and treatment of illness, what do you think the pharmaceutical industry would stand to lose?
A huge chunk of their precious "profits".
Hemp had to be made illegal.
Back in the 1800's and early 1900's the large pharmaceutical companies; many of which, that still exist today, were selling hemp based medications. When they realized (the information above) and its implications of hemp oil being a cure-all that they could not patent, the next logical step was to get rid of it all together.
Hence the current laws banning marijuana were born.
All the propaganda against its use, citing the harmful effects, its being a 'stepping stone' to harder drugs, and supposed religious implications of it being "Satan's tool" , were just a bunch of malarkey to support their stance against its use.
CNN and Pew surveys purportedly found that those who had a more advanced educational level were most likely to support legalization than those who have not.
Their findings go on to further breakdown correlations between:
- white vs black populations
- and higher income vs lower income, etc.
These results are also irrelevant to this article. They are mentioned only in the context of the questionable validity of such polls in the first place.
There is enough material for another article on why corporate America will never permit hemp to be legalized, so the only comment that i will make on that subject at this time is this.
The current laws against the use of hemp (marijuana) are comically absurd as are all other things deemed "sinful" in this corrupt society of greed and irreverent religious beliefs.
But, do remember this:
the control of distribution of goods, plus religion, are the sum total of the basis of our current legal system regarding ALL the choices adults are allowed, or not allowed, to make today!!!!
Legalizing drugs
- Natural Society | Revolutionize Your Health - Naturally
Natural and alternative health news and information helping you transform your health.
The future fate of a wonder drug
This country needs to step up into modern times, and make changes that benefit society as a whole, instead of only benefiting the wealthy Corporate coffers, and hopefully we can 'catch up' to the other 'progressive' countries in the process.
We must stop wallowing in stale "conservatism". We need to take back the leading position in this world and set an example for other countries to follow, instead of trying to move backwards in time to the days of corporate slavery.
A glimmer of hope can be seen In today's world as we see that there may be some sensible people out there after all. In the past election, there were more states adding laws that make the possession of marijuana legal and will provide future proof that there is little or no correlation between its use and crime rates, or as that dreaded "gateway" to stronger drugs.
With those new laws 'relaxing' their laws on the use of cannabis we may be becoming more divided state by state in that process. Those states that still criminalize the possession of marijuana are still prosecuting people, creating felons, and over crowding our prison systems. These diehards will never retreat from their proverbial bully pulpits until their last breath is taken, and they are replaced by younger, more sensible, realistic, and logical people..
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by: d.william 10/03/10
- LET'S TAKE A POLL - Am I Stupid, or What?
- and the world goes on; with or without you!! Every news station, every political party, faction or sect, every religious group, or any other damned group out there, who wants to push their agenda...