Kenya Snubbed by Obama
Our Borderless President Is Killing America
Recently I was on Youtube as I was going
to sleep, and you know how one thing leads
to another as the longer your on the site
and letting it control it self. A Upon awaking
I am listening to a conversation about Jiggers
and then seeing what a Jigger actually was.
I was totally grossed out. I'm thinking Gin
and they were cutting like the tops off of what
looked like boils, which were sand fleas
called known as "Jiggers" and what they do is
enter the skin and keep on digging into the
body causing a heck of a lot of pain in the
process. When they are itchy and scratched they
spread the eggs around and those make the colonies
that go on and on until they are removed and you
can imaging these rural folks in, which is Kenya
one of the African area they are abundant, there
is little that is done to rid this awful affliction.
That being said, I was out to dinner with my
wife and upon returning home I had conflicting
topics on my mind in which to blog about and I
happened to mention that Obama was in Kenya and
she was surprised that he had gone there. At that
point I mentioned that they had quadrupled the
Security because recently we had watched a documentary
on Netflix about some characters that took over a
Shopping Mall in Kenya ( speak of the devil ) that
had killed a number of people before being killed
themselves in the process and that made me think
of one thing then another and I had my blog.
I said, to myself, Obama, Kenya, terrorists, jiggers,
Border lax on Obama's part and there it was.
When Obama comes back from Kenya everything
is going to be fine and he made a lot of headway
with the leaders of the Country and all is fine.
Well, he does not have to go to Kenya any more to
see the problems they have because he has brought
them to America with his Socialist's No-Leadership
way of doing things. He allowed hundred of thousands
to cross the border and sent them all over the Country,
while telling the Border Guards to stand down,
to bring with them their sicknesses and anything else
they might be bringing.
I placed some pictures at the bottom for your displeasure
but they were to gross for the Hubpages Crew did not like
the so they have been removed
them but if you look up Jiggers in Kenya, on the net you can
find the little buggers and believe me when I say I hope you
never come in contact with one. Bed bugs don't even come
close to the damage these thins do!
It is hard to look at but there are some Dr's. working
to the best of their ability to try to rid these very unlucky
folks of their problem, but I will bet anything you won't
hear a word from "The Anointed One" about this problem
his so called "Homeland" is infested in areas with because
of the Saharan type environment that Kenya has in parts
of the country there. He has had, with money he has spent,
plenty of opportunities to help the Global problems
other than making deals with the people that want us
gone from the Earth and this is only one. Why is it the only
time Obama goes to the TV to talk ith us, it turns out to be
a lie? God help us!
Not to change the subject, but Obama should be impeached
for taking our business past Congress to the United Nations!
That's my opinion. The UN does not run AMERICA. We are not a third
World Country like he is used too! It was just wrong and underhanded
as usual and gets by with it and the Democrat's that vote with him
need to move to Iran and watch what happens after they give them
100 billion dollars to kill Israeli's and American's. What is the difference
in a war now or ten years from now. They don't have a Nuke now, but
they will in ten years and most of you old bastards that gave them the
go ahead will either be underground or dead.
Obama's Love of Self
This is a situation where Obama, being born in Kenya, obviously
is aware of jiggers and does nothing. He's to busy kissing up to
terrorist's to see past his nose and living up to his ideals
which are no more than a narcissistic view of himself. I
feel for these people but there is no money in it so no one
will actually help someone that really needs help.
There is only a handful of caring Dr's. that actually goes
out of their way to help these poor people.
I am sorry our Government is so greedy and selfish
it gets in their way. Obama can talk all over the place
about Global Warming but where he needs to speak
he won't. The only time he has spoke to America about
anything on the tube, it has turned out to be a lie or a
slap in the face to the Middle Class.