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Organic Sprouting Seeds - For Healthy Tasty Sprouts

Updated on June 19, 2010

Organic Sprouting Seeds

Organic Sprouting Seeds For A Delicious Option

Organic sprouting seeds are not only delicious but they are nutritious too and can be added to a variety of dishes for added flavor. You can also consider using these to start a vegetable garden from scratch. The reality is that genetically modified crops are in abundance and are proven to have detrimental side effects. Choose organic to ensure that you are getting top quality.

Not only are sprouted organic sprouting seeds delicious, but they provide plenty of minerals, vitamins, proteins and nutrients essential to proper function of the cells and organs. They are relatively inexpensive to purchase and they continue growing until they are eaten, so they remain fresh.

These growing gifts are also easy on the digestive system and eating living greens means that you lose none of their nutritional value. Foods that are packaged and stored for long periods tend to lose their nutrients over time. Home grown sprouting seeds are safer as they have not been contaminated with pesticides.

In the summer fresh produce is readily available, but during winter it is not as easily attainable and products are trucked great distances in cold storage, losing much of their health benefits. It is easy to have home sprouted seeds constantly available as they require so few raw materials. All you need is some wire mesh, a sprouting tray or jar and a few seconds twice a day to rinse the sprouts.

Within four to six days your sprouts are ready for consumption. Sprouting seeds can be harvested from any non-toxic plant and popular varieties include alfalfa, lentils, fenugreek, radish, peas and mung beans. Mustard seeds, broccoli, garbanzos, quinoa and radishes are equally delicious if less commonly used.

A good guide is to select grains that do not have hulls as they will sprout quickly. Be selective when purchasing your seeds and ensure that they are certified organic. Do the same if you are buying live sprouts. Insist on this as you want to ensure that you are ingesting the best selection of healthy live foods.

You are also assured that your organic seeds have never been treated with pesticides or harmful chemicals. There is also a reduced likelihood that the seeds have been exposed to animal waste thus reducing the chances of accidental salmonella exposure. To ensure that your growing sprouts remain uncontaminated you should grow them in bird and rodent proof storage areas.

After their initial sprouting phase you should store them in a refrigerated unit to ensure that they remain fresh. Alternatively collected seeds should be dried carefully and also stored in an area that is rodent and bird proof, as this could lead to contamination. Growing your own sprouts from seeds you have collected yourself can be a very rewarding experience.

Growing your own sprouts from seeds you have harvested is a very rewarding feeling, as is the knowledge that you are preparing original organic foods. Enjoy your crops in the knowledge that you are ingesting foods high in nutrient and mineral content.

Organic Sprouting Seeds + The Easygreen Sprouter = Super Nutrition


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