Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Avoid Negative Thoughts
How do we find the right words to comfort someone who constantly brings trouble to themselves? I find myself stressed out by simply talking to them. Negative thoughts weaken people’s minds. Sharing these thoughts with others only spread the drama. Why they think by involving others, they bring an end to their own problems is more than I’ll ever know. I ask myself to stay clear of them. But it is not easy. They call you or visit you with no respect to ever thinking the time spent is yours at all. They enjoy talking about other people in not too good of conversation and expect you to agree with them. I always try my best to see both sides. Gossip starts with such encounters. Nothing good becomes of it.
Negative people care for only themselves. They beg to differ, but the proof is clear. Why would anyone whine, if not for sympathy? The “Poor is me” plea gets old very fast. Complainers have their own group, their own reasoning and what seems like no problem at all to most people will bother them. I truly believe God is testing me when He brings these sorry souls to interrupt my positive thoughts. So with this in mind I pray for them. I tell them to pray and let the problem go. If they take the advice I’m sure it will help. Many will not take advice from others. Spiritual advice seems like a sermon they don’t want to hear. And maybe not being a regular church attendee or expert on ruthless people gives me the right to think they would listen to me to begin with. But they certainly are welcome to find advice elsewhere with my blessings.
Think Positive
On a positive note, people come from all walks of life and most are not here to bring our high spirited impressions of life plunging to an all time low. Encouraging words give us the boost we need to keep our heads held high. Feeling equal to our peers is very important. Hurtful words can forever put an indentation in the minds of the receiver. Overcoming low self-esteem will take a lot of positive thinking to keep it from ruining our lives. Confidence with one’s self needs negative thoughts vanished from their present. I’ve spent years trying to overcome a low self-esteem and have finally come to grips with it. I no longer let negative people ruin my confidence in myself. By admitting the problem was stopping me from ever reaching goals I had set for myself was the first and most important step to recovery.
People we surround ourselves with play a big part in how we feel about ourselves. It could be a sibling or even a spouse putting negative thoughts in our minds. The closer you are to someone the most likely you are to let them control your thinking. If we have it drilled into our heads we are stupid, ugly or less than normal. We will believe it. The sad thing about this is most of us are not any of the things we have been told we are. Many children grow up hearing such things from their own parents, teachers and other adults who don’t realize what they have implanted in these young minds. I wish people would think before they speak. By giving kids reason to think negative of themselves gives bullies a place to practice their wicked ways. Depression won’t have to be part of their adult lives either if positive thinking is taught at the beginning.