Further on the Exploitation of Infectious Disease
Where there is silence among people about disease, little wonder it is so. But where there is unity in silence by physicians and scientists we must be aware that our silence as a people creates opportunity for the scientific establishment to exploit that which we cannot speak.
This is because our ignorance of particular diseases and their ramifications for society as a whole are often left to the field of science to grapple, hoisting on its shoulders a responsibility that when left unchecked by a public only serves a convenient political pseudo-moral means to an end, and, whether admitted or not, can create a philosophy by which some find reason to exploit either race, nationality, creed, gender or religion, and thus become the norm in all our medical care. What then is being accomplished by exploiting diseases? Answer: Nothing but more disease and transfer of disease among a mass people (including children, the born and yet-to-be born) and greater profits for the medical community and scientific communities as a whole – that results in a total degeneration of a society, and serves only to manipulate the psyche of a whole people. When ObamaCare became law, this is the power we as patients surrendered to The Medical Corporation.
As though my own total experience as a patient is not enough evidence for what I say, one example of discrimination in its most blatant form, that must be shared, came to me when I visited a “tropical disease” clinic here in New York. Although I had a referral from an internist, the moment I walked through the door at this clinic I was looked at with disdain from its medical professionals. Why? Well – if the reader were there with me, you also would have noticed that the medical professionals were aware of who I was prior to my arrival, since I had been trying for years to get a referral to their clinic but was denied every time. Also, most of the patient clientele were some of the wealthiest people ever assembled in one place together – and it was crowded. That I was a patient abandoned by a hospital with a burst appendix seemed to matter very much at this clinic, not to mention the difficulty I had in getting the referral to it in the first place.
A mother consoled her daughter as they sat together waiting to see the doctor. And I did not need to ease drop my ear to hear the audible cry from the daughter about her diagnosis of “Giardia” (a common parasite in the U.S. that some scientists say affects many pre-school children at some point in their youth) because her revulsion over the fact she contracted a parasite was a drama everyone could hear also. However, being at the clinic put one “myth” about parasites to death immediately - which is the idea that parasitism affects only the poor.
The myth about parasites being an affliction of the poor has it origins from many years ago when only the poor did not eat well and thus became susceptible. But we as a people have changed dramatically since then. Now, we all do not eat well, wealthy or not. This is so since most people eat outside the home more often than not, including the wealthy. However, being able to eat at expensive restaurants is no assurance of good health. In fact, today, if one is wealthy and eats out all the time, he or she may become either overweight or with parasite, or both. For it is not only what one eats that affects health – it is also how food is prepared and by whom it is prepared that affects health. (A mother who makes her child a peanut butter sandwich ensures the health of her child more so than if a stranger working in a deli makes the same sandwich, even if they use the same bread and the same peanut butter.)
For one thing, restaurants want to keep you coming back, so they will prepare foods rich in taste and fat. They will also undercook some foods to enhance taste. One of the foods they do this with most often is fish. Sushi comes to mind, of course, but it is not just Sushi that I am thinking about right now. I ate at a restaurant with co-workers (during Christmas time) and when I told the waiter to cook my fish “well,” I was told the restaurant did not serve well-done fish. I thus decided on something else. Why? Well, people, you must know that, not only is much of the fish we eat from other countries – with various temperate climates and waters - some of the potential diseases associated with undercooked fish can affect a person sometimes years after ingestion (when it is first noticed by the patient, that is). One parasitical disease that comes to mind is fish tapeworm. Although fish tapeworm is easily killed with anti-parasitical drugs, doctors never diagnose this condition in the United States. Left undiagnosed and untreated, fish tapeworm and the effects it has on the central nervous system can wreak havoc on one's life, sometimes for the rest of one's life. Not only this, but the depletion of B12 is so great and the anemia so debilitating that if one is not aware of the symptoms of parasite infection, and a doctor is not considering it at all, one could very well just kiss their happiness and health, or life, goodbye.
I am not writing this because I have fish tapeworm, because I do not. I knew what tests to ask and what chemical tests I needed to rule this out. Moreover, the x-ray I posted on another hub does not evidence tapeworm infection at all, but more of a "granulomous" parasitical condition. The information I just provided is something I simply wanted to share before I resume my story about my visit to the clinic.
I was not only looked at with disdain by the physician in charge at the clinic, I was treated rudely by the clinic receptionist, apparently making it clear that I did not belong there with the upper crust patients. This so much enraged and terrified me – as it should anyone with a partially treated burst appendix for which death is a matter of time – to discover that being a proper member of a class would be contingent on my receiving medical care in the United States, even when I had the best health insurance money could buy (one that paid 100% with no questions asked and no co-pay). That those other patients in the clinic were getting tested and treated for parasitical diseases (both domestic and tropical) when it took me years to find one doctor who would consider this malady in the differential diagnosis of me (while in a fatal condition), only to belatedly provide a referral, was one of the most shocking revelations to consume my countenance and being for years to come. [It is worth mentioning that when I spoke about my visit to this clinic with a subsequent physician, his first question to me was “How did they greet you”?]
[It's important that I mention here that I survived a burst appendix by shere miracle, God, and a two-week supply of CIPRO, an antibiotic that I took in capsule form. I mention this only because most people with a burst appendix - whether fortunate to have a prescription of CIPRO or not - would not survive a burst appendix. That is because the spilling of toxic contents from the intestine into the abdominal cavitity - without intravenous antibiotics - has an extremely high mortality rate. To those who have not read my other posts, that I even walked in this condition was a frightening sight to be seen, much less witness my striking weight loss of 20 lbs. in just one week. To those of you curious as to how to survive a burst appendix: First, get a two-week prescription of CIPRO and take it all in one week, and second, be extremely athletic and muscular. I learned that surviving a burst appendix requires a lot of muscle. Extra fat only will not protect you. Moreover, being too thin does not protect you at all.]
That it took years to get a referral told me many things. First, it exposed for me that it was unlikely that I was the first person this happened to. Second, it would soon follow in my thoughts, after much research about parasites, that if enough people were being targeted as I was, with acute illness and unable to work (and exploited by physicians to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars), that parasitical disease may be at the root of all our problems in medical care, and, third, that infectious and parasitical disease may well be at the root of all the lunacy and political divide in our country by the fact that parasitism in a person is known to cause depression and other psychotropic illnesses and mimic virtually any disease one may find in The Merck Manual.
However, to go into the manifestations of every domestic parasite of the United States is not possible here in this hub, but suffice it to say that it is very, very strange indeed that a whole area of microbial study is conveniently left out of diagnostic equation in medical care for average citizens in the U.S., particularly when I know of one of many - like E. Multilocularis – that can be contracted from the common dog and whose consequent granuloma can mimic carcinoma to such degree that even pathologists cannot distinguish the two (see excerpt below and picture of article on this page). So one must ask them this: If a parasitical granuloma looks and acts like cancer, and is as fatal as cancer, and physicians are not diagnosing or treating domestic parasites in the U.S., how many people may in fact be diagnosed with cancer when what they actually have is a curable parasitical infection? Do you see where I am going?
". . .the tissue form of E. multilocularis presents no protoscolices and the material so resembles a neoplasm that even pathologists mistake it for carcinoma. Radiologic procedures and scanning techniques are helpful, and serological methods are available."
I do not have this parasite either. But I wanted to simply share this information, since no matter how one looks at it, as it was clear to me – and still clear to me now at least in this clinic - medical care was and is being provided to some and not others. I was thus not able to get an appointment or to speak to a doctor, and asked to leave. And I wondered how many others had gone before me and how many others would come after me that would be deprived of a wellness bestowed on others regarded as more worthy of it.
To the self-righteous among us who with callousness in their hearts believe this exploitation teaches consequences - or with ignorance believe they are elevated above the purported "squalor" of humanity, or believe that because their politics reinforces a “collective” or “inclusive” membership to the same club as those in control, or who think they are possessed with a superior “morality” - they ought to know that in the realm of science, that that kind of thinking is “dumb” because doctors within a corporation care about nothing or nobody, least of all the consequences of an unhealthy society as a whole that affects everyone except them, and least of all the person who is sick. Profits are all they will care about, and if it means exploiting the multitudes of ordinary people with infectious disease for profit, that is what it will do. We must remember: ObamaCare puts in power a very small minority (The Medical Corporation) over everyone else, relatively speaking. So when we as a country bestow upon physicians the right to choose whom they will treat – and whom they will not treat – well – let me just say we are going places we ought not to be going and we ought to be speaking about this aspect of universal medical care alongside our concerns for the economy and taxes, and we ought to be doing so urgently and openly, like right now.
The picture on this hub needs adjusting, and I plan to do that soon; but for now please bear with me as I am in the process of changing computers and reacquainting myself with a new machine.