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Pre Diabetes Symptoms -- Your Second Chance At Health

Updated on April 17, 2013

A Preview of Your Future

Ignoring pre diabetes symptoms is passing up one of the biggest opportunities you are likely to get in your life. These symptoms are nature's way of warning you that the way you are maintaining your body is going to lead to serious trouble and an early death.

Hey, don't go away! I'll admit, this not a fun way to start an article, but it's the truth. If you're strong enough to accept and ACT on the truth, then you can change your future reality. (This is really good news, if you think about it.)

I once was in your shoes, so I know what I'm talking about. I'd like to show you how to reverse your symptoms and make your life a lot happier in the process, if you'll let me.

This is not a theory. This is what the study of the lives of large numbers of diabetics tells us. On average, if you don't take action to get your elevated blood sugar under control, your pre diabetes symptoms will become full type-2 diabetes in ten years.

The longer you wait, the harder it gets to reverse your pre diabetic symptoms and become healthy again.

Make no mistake, Diabetes Experts Agree that your symptoms can be reversed in all but exceptional cases.

Here's another interesting fact your doctor may not tell you: If you fail to bring that blood sugar reading down with the recommended diet and lifestyle changes, the drug he will probably suggest you take, Metformin, will increase your heart attack risk.

It will make you tired, upset your stomach, give you gas, and may give you muscle aches -- just the thing to help you feel like exercising, eh?

Don't believe me? Would you like a doctor's opinion, then watch this:

A List of Pre Diabetes Symptoms and a Warning

My Story of Resisting Pre Diabetes

Who am I to tell you this? I am 64 years old and I was shaken by the loss of both my grandmothers by the time I was 12. They both were moderately obese, with no other obvious bad habits, which intuitively convinced me that...

1) I never wanted to get fat; and
2) I wanted to avoid the diabetes and heart failure that took them from me.

Looking back, I think that their deaths made such a deep impression on me that I started reading books at the public library about how to stay healthy and maintain a youthful appearance.

My parents wanted me to become a doctor, so I looked at (and took the prep courses for) that profession for just long enough to get the sense that they knew a lot about the body, but had little understanding of what keeps us healthy. Medical students learn virtually nothing about human nutrition and are basically salespeople for the pharmaceutical companies and surgeons that kill 15,000 Medicare patients a month in the U.S.

I Wanted No Part of That!

Contrary to the common belief that genetics determines whether you get diabetes or not, I have beat the disease by maintaining roughly the weight I was at when I graduated high school. This is not a genetic fluke, it is the result of regular habits of daily vigorous exercise and a careful attention to eating my fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, eggs and fish in moderation.

Drink water with meals. Green tea or the occasional cup of coffee -- without sugar -- don't cause problems for most people.

And, by the way, I have been taking the best quality supplements -- many of which have contained the two minerals that were used to cure diabetes in mice in 1957. (I'll tell you more about that discovery in a moment.)

I have perhaps gone to what may seem "extremes" to be fit, but it has mostly been fun to tramp around the hills and valleys of beautiful Oregon on foot or on a bicycle. Being self-employed, I was able to still find time in the morning or afternoon for the workout that kept my blood sugar and weight where it should be. Anyone can, if they want to avoid diabetes.

Is it too much trouble to take a brisk walk before or after work, eat healthy simple foods prepared mostly at home, and avoid over-indulgence in alcohol and abstain from tobacco, when the reward is a lifetime of freedom from diabetes, needles, worry about hypo and hyperglycemia, etc.?

To Me, This Is a No-Brainer

Another thing your doctor probably won't tell you is that the cure for diabetes in mice was found in 1957. Why wasn't that discovery translated into a drug or medical nutritional formula for the use of human diabetics? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the pharmaceutical industry cannot patent natural minerals and other unaltered natural nutrients?

Why not? There's no money in it for them, if they can't "own" the patent and jack up the price.

Besides, the drug manufacturers would much rather manage the symptoms of diabetes than cure it. They say they are using public funding for trying to find cures for every disease, but what do they come up with? Nothing! No cures, just more expensive treatments complete with debilitating side-effects, including death in many cases.

If you will look at the healthiest people in the world, they typically live in remote villages and eat simple foods they raise themselves. They generally heat with wood and put their wood ashes on their gardens. This returns minerals to their soil, which modern industrial-scale farmers rarely do anymore.

They don't have doctors to treat their every sniffle, they have learned to live and eat in a way that prevents diabetes for the vast majority of people.

In fact, people in the USA didn't have the soaring obesity and diabetes rates we have now when they lived in rural areas, much like these present day centenarians profiled in National Geographic.

This is not to say that modern Americans and city-dwellers of other industrialized nations can't avoid pre diabetes and type-2 diabetes if they eat a diet that is composed of whole foods, predominantly plant-based nutrition with the addition of plant-sourced minerals. City dwellers can find time and the opportunity to stay fit in a home gym, with regular 30-45 minute brisk walks, swimming, skiing, or biking to work.

You don't have to become a gym rat, with bulging muscles and 6-pack "abs" -- you just need to stay moderately fit, eat well, and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

It can be done -- I know, because I have done it. We just need to turn off the "idiot box" and get off the couch to go do it.

Exercise solves many of the health challenges that we face.

Go for a 3-mile jog every morning before breakfast and work, go easy on the coffee, and you will sleep soundly without need for drugs. Your blood pressure will be normal in all but the extreme cases. Your heart rate and blood sugars will tend to be in the healthy, desired range.

All these health problems that people try to medicate away (or self-medicate with drink) can be improved or eliminated when we return to a natural diet and healthy lifestyle.

So, to wrap this up, pre diabetes symptoms can be turned around if you just make up your mind to deal with them. The ostrich approach will not work! Neither will your doctor's medications, which -- like Metformin (above) and Avandia, may increase your heart attack risk.

It's your choice. To take a deeper look at the evidence that convinces me that we are the masters of our own fate, when it comes to Pre Diabetes Symptoms <= Go to my Web site.


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