Putting the Toilet Lid Down
Lids to help remind people to close the lid
So when I was growing up we had our toilet down the opposite end of the house from the bathroom. We were also taught to always close the lid of the toilet before flushing it. It seems that now days most toilets are located in the same room as the bathroom. I have also found that more and more people don't put the toilet lid down. And many males don't even put down the toilet seat.
I'm unsure why this has happened though I have also been guilty of not putting down the lid. Not for quite a while though as after I saw a programme on T.V. where they showed by dye the mist that came out of a toilet when it was flushed. ewwwww. I almost threw up and definitely raced out to buy new toothbrushes.
The Mist
The mist that rises out of your toilet goes upwards and outwards and can travel as far as 6 feet. I found I was slighty off in this ...
Studies have shown that the water droplets in an invisible cloud travel six to eight feet out and up, so the areas of the bathroom not directly adjacent the toilet are still contaminated.
Scientists tested toothbrushes, walls, ceilings, floors, toilet rolls, showers, baths, doors and sinks and all those places tested posative for streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria. ewwwww.
Close the Toilet Lid
It seems silly to me that people would prefer to have a fine mist of urine and feacle matter landing all over their bathrooms when all they have to do to stop it is to shut the lid of the toilet.
When the lid is closed the mist rises hitting the lid of the toilet and settling upon it. Sounds good to me. So is it that people don't realise that this is happening or do people not care if they brush their teeth with a toothbrush contaminated with streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria.
Imagine all those same people have a shower in an area contaminated with these same things then walk barefoot across the infected floor or step onto an infected bathmat. dry their hands on infected hand towels. yummm
What can you do?
For a start clean your bathroom with even more care than you would usually. Remember that all areas are equally affected by the spray. Don't forget to clean the ceiling as this can be a fabulous breading ground for germs as it is often damp in bathrooms due to the steam from showers etc.Make sure you use antibacterial cleaners. The sink area teems with bacteria so give it a good scrub.
In public bathrooms hot-air hand dryers can actually increase the bacteria on hands by 162 percent. Paper towels actually decrease bacteria by 29 percent
Wash your hands really really well - If you're still not convinced that bacteria exist in any significant quantities on your hands, consider this ... kitchen sinks actually harbors the most fecal matter in the average home. A tablespoon of bleach in a cup of warm water on the offending sink will fix the situation.
If after reading this you choose to still leave the toilet seat up when you flush please don't ask me over for coffee. Well now that I've put myself off eating any lunch today I believe I might go do some cleaning. have a nice day