Side Effects Of Too Much Caffeine
Do You Drink Too Much Caffeine
Negative Effects of Caffeine
It seems that every time I do research on some sort of symptoms I have, it leads to one of two things – hypothyroidism or too much caffeine. Since I am on medication for the hypothyroidism and know the side effects of the disorder and of the medication, I thought I would look into side effects of caffeine. Some of the information is pretty much common knowledge: it can cause sleeplessness, irritability and nervousness. Too much can cause nausea. But there were some things that I didn’t know.
Side Effect - Caffeinism
Drinking too much caffeine (too much is defined as more than 600 mg or about 17 cans of soda) can cause a syndrome called “caffeinism.” Caffeinism symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, and sleep disorders. Too much caffeine triggers the fight or flight response so can also cause anxiety and panic attacks. It can make premenstrual syndrome worse for some. It can also cause extreme confusion.
Do You Drink Too Much Caffeine?
How many times during the day do you consume caffeine?
Side Effects of Caffeine In Women And Babies
If caffeine is given to babies it can lead to the destruction of the intestines and bowels. It could even lead to death. Why someone would give an infant caffeine is beyond me, and this is the best reason not to do that.
Women who consume 31 mg of caffeine a day (one soda) have an increased rate of fibrocystic breast disease. Fibrocystic breast disease is lumpiness in one or both breasts. This can be extremely uncomfortable, even painful. Seems like a big risk for a little pick-me-up.
Side Effects of Caffeine and Other Health Issues
Caffeine in extremes can also lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Women have increased heart rhythm and men experience shrinking of blood vessels. It can also cause arterial damage in the heart, tachycardia (increased heart rate), and increased ventricular output. Having a stroke is also an increased risk. Just thinking about all of this makes my blood pressure rise!
Some people who drink too much caffeine have an increased risk of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Both of these are conditions where blood sugar levels are either higher or lower than normal.
One side effect that no one thinks about is dehydration. People think that since they are drinking fluid, they are able to keep hydrated, but this is just not true. Too much caffeine can also lead to an increase of kidney stones, increased urine output and other difficulties with the urinary tract system.
People also think that caffeine keeps you energized, but it can also lead to decreased energy after the initial rush. It can also lead to emotional fatigue because too much caffeine can lead to your body not being able to shut down and rest.
As I was researching the bad effects of caffeine, I realized that I am truly addicted to the stuff. I just finished off my second can of soda while writing this!