Reiki Symbol Baraham Prakash the symbol of increasing knowledge and wisdom and the link with universe Energies
Reiki Symbol Baraham Prakash is the symbol that creates connection between universe and you. This symbol shows the light of spirituality, knowledge and wisdom.
Baraham symbolizes Brahmand that means universe. When we draw this symbol on our forehead then it's linked with third eye Chakra and Brahm Randhar and positive energies from universe are begun to come that are helpful in our spiritual progress.
This symbol is like a God's blessings. It gives us both types of knowledge that help us to get worldly and spiritual knowledge. The method of gaining knowledge , spiritual progess and wisdom is this:-
Draw Cho ku Rei above your head both sides left and right and say three times Cho ku Rei ,purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Sei hei Kei and say three times Sei hei Kei, purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Dai Ko Myo and say three times Dai ko Myo, purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Hon Sha ze sho nan and say three times Hon Sha ze sho nan, purify , activate and stablize.
Then draw Brahm Prakash on your forehead and head and meditate on this symbol. You have to imagine that positive energies from universe are coming with bright shining light with the images of Brahm Prakash that releases all the negativities and boosts all the knowledge and wisdom inside you. You have to remain in this condition ten to fifteen minutes
. This meditation is useful for the students who want their educational carriers bright with professional knowledge and wisdom.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata