Reiki Symbol Halu is used to remove trauma conditions and painful memories
Reiki symbol Halu is used to omit painful memories for which the further life is effected. A person can't progress because of its previous painful memories that one cannot forget.
Fear, phobia, black magic and paranormal painful memories that haunt the affected person and it bears with all these brain problems, become mentally ill and become trouble for the whole family. Then this symbol is helpful as a Psychetric.
In childhood a child is tortured or badly beaten by any person. Fear is hidden in his mind and after childhood ,he becomes young but he can't get rid off unbearable bad previous memories .
Previous life karmas that give sorrows and pains then by doing reiki through this symbol a person can be healed.
If someone has haunted him that effects his brain or some mishappening has happened and he cannot forget and prey to depression.
To heal from all these problems Halu symbol is very effective and helpful.
The process of doing reiki through Halu symbol is this
Draw Cho Ku Rei and speak three times Cho Ku Rei purfy, activate and stabilize.
Then draw Sei Hei Kei and speak three times Sei Hei Kei purify ,activate and stabilize.
Then draw Dai Ko Myo and speak three times Dai Ko Myo purify, activate and stabilize.
Then draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nan ,to create connection between Reiki through Reiki symbols with universe energies.
Then do reiki with Halu symbol with affirmation according to your problem.
For example a person who is in depression then say that this person is healed and has good confidence and weaknesses, that are shown before now has disappeared. In this way affirmation should be in present tense and positive as this person has healed.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata