Reiki Symbol Motor Zanon works as Detoxifier in HIV positive and AIDS treatment
Reiki symbol Motor Zanon is very effective in the healing of HIV positive and AIDS. It is also very effective to remove very dangerous and poisonous virus and infections.
Motor Zanon symbol has two parts one is Motor and the other is Zanon. Motor collects the virus inside the body and Zanon releases the virus from the body. It also releases the phobia and mental disorders that have the feelings of ghosts or spirits.
This symbol is also used in viral fever, chicken gunia and dangue.
The method of using this symbol is this
First of all draw Reiki symbol Cho ku Rei all around you to purify the environment and say purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Cho ku Rei both sides left and right above your head and say Cho ku Rei, purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Sei Hei Kei both sides left and right above your head and say Sei hei Kei, purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Dai ko Myo both sides left and right above your head and say Dai ko Myo, purify, activate and stablize.
Then draw Hon sha ze sho Nan to connect yourself with universe energies
. Then make an affirmation that my infection has been healed with Motor Zanon symbol. Now I'm quite well with drawing Reki symbol Motor Zanon.
In this way you have to repeat the affirmation time and again according to your need. Affirmation should be in present tense and positive.
You can remove these diseases through meditation. In this method you have to take breath and feel Motor Zanon symbol is coming inside you and collects all the infectious germs and when you release your breath feel all the infectious germs going outside.
Repeat this process for ten minutes and you will get relief from these diseases. This process is very effective and I have tried this.
Now when we are in the time of adversity and under the curse of Corona virus disease that takes the whole world under its grip, we can get rid of this disease by doing Reiki with the Reiki symbol Motor Zanon. This symbol is very effective for Viral diseases.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata