Reiki Symbol Udreka is used to energize Seven Chakras and to remove negative energies
Reiki Symbol Udreka is the symbol of removing negativity and boosting positivity. It is used to energize Seven Chakras. It is also used for the protection of the house.
The use of Udreka Symbol is in this way:-
First of all draw Cho ku Rei symbols all around you and say Cho Ku Rei, purify, activate and stablize in the house and all around us.
Then draw Sei hei Kei symbols all around you and say Sei hei Kei, purify, activate and stablize in the house and make us mentally strong.
Then draw Dai ko Myo all around you and say Dai ko Myo purify, activate and stablize in the house and keep all the negativities away from the house.
Then draw Udreka Symbol on the Main Gate and say with making affirmation all the negativities has gone away from the house and now we are protected with the reiki symbol Udreka.
Repeat this affirmation again and again. This method is very effective to keep all the negativities away.from the House.
To energize seven chakras draw Udreka Symbol on every Chakra and do reiki.
Draw symbol means to draw on particular place by imagination , there is no use of pen or paper.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata