Reiki symbol Cho Ku Rei is the key to gain positive energies from Universe and heal yourself and others
Cho Ku Rei is the first power symbol of reiki. It plays a very important role in gaining positive energies from universe and environment.
The whole reiki healing process depends on it. After atuning this symbol is helpful in many purpose.
Through this symbol you can protect yourself from adverse circumstances and make your existence in society.
If you have any pain in your body then draw this symbol on your affected part in the air and do reiki. Do reiki means to repeat you have got relief from pain. After some time you will get relief from pain.
This symbol is so effective that you can protect yourself from accidents and other mishappenings.Before going outside you have to draw Cho Ku Rei on your van or Bike and feel and utter stablize for three times. Do this and you will feel marvelous experiences.
If there are so much rats and cockroaches in your house then take a salt in glass dish and do reiki with Cho Ku Rei and repeat this affirmation rats and cockroaches are going away from the house for ten minutes.Then sprinkle that salt. You will see that the cockroaches and rats have gone away from the house. You will see that they have not dead but alive gone away.
To remove negativity from the house draw Cho Ku Rei in the air and stabilize it and feel that negativity has gone away.
Draw in the air means to draw with your hands without using pen or pencil. Stabilize means the positive energies through Cho Ku Rei have stayed inside the house and negativities have gone away from the house.In this way Cho Ku Rei plays an important role in doing reiki.
In this way Cho Ku Rei plays an important role and has an important place as a power symbol in Reiki.It protects us from unbearable situations like a responsible father and cares like a caring mother.
- Let's be health conscious through Reiki self healing ,through Reiki symbol Cho Ku Rei - YouT
Reiki symbol Cho Ku Rei is the first power symbol of Reiki that energizes us with positive energies of Universe and keeps us fit and tension free.
- Recognize your self through reiki by - YouTube
Reiki is helpful in every aspect of life
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata