Reiki the power of positive energies that are coming from the Universe and solve the problems of our daily life
Reiki is the life force energy that is coming from the universe and heals our mind body and soul.
If you are fed up with the failures of life and feel ,life is burden for you. No one likes you. All relatives and friends are apart from you.
Then only reiki power will help you as mother, as a father, as a good friend and as a guide. You can gain positive energies through reiki symbols and make your life without problems and difficulties.
Reiki or divay shakti is also the positive energies of Angels, Archangels and saints.
Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak Dev, Kabir, Tulsidas, Meera Bai got these positive energies from their Ishatdev and healed the people. Self healing is also possible for ordinary person with reiki symbols and keep oneself fit. Reiki has every type of solution for mental, physical and spiritual healing except old age and death.
- Reiki the divine power of God can do what the doctors can't do - YouTube
Reiki heals the person on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata