Seeing the Sun Rays through falling water at Dawn Time energizes our mind body and soul
The Sun is the greatest source of positive energies.
To see the Sun Rays through falling water at Dawn time gives so much benefits that we can't imagine. Eye sight problems are improvd. We can gain vitamin D through these rays.
It is beneficial to strengthen the bones. Jaundice disease is cured. These Rays cure the liver problems. Skin problems are also cured.
That place or house where Sun Rays can't reach is full of diseases and is called haunted place or house.
Haunted means where only negativity remains . Prosperity and joys are vanished. So The Sun is the Angel that we can see and enjoy the positive energies through Rays. Through falling water seeing the Sun Rays are the most beneficial.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata