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Share Your Experiences With an Understanding of Your Journey

Updated on March 25, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

traveling Europe

You have three pathways interconnected in life.

The intentions of how you choose to share your values with others are as important as the other two are for you; Wisdom and Generosity.

These pathways are interconnected for a reason.

You understand the meaning of your journey in threes once you have experienced your journey. Through travels, you find yourself and see yourself as a different person.

You grow older, and wiser to view your life as precious and the only one that you have. Wisdom is used to guide you along your travels this is in living and in becoming yourself too.

The moments you experience are shared with a greater understanding when you inspire generosity, and values into your pathways.

You often allow yourself to think of the possibilities of what could be, or of what could have been, and maybe if you could have done for the other person, or yourself differently.

Life is full of ups and downs, and knowledge of how the many encounters that opened your path to that experience, is sometimes an inevitable thought of you. You win and you lose in trials, and not all goals are met and achieved without a struggle.

The decisions you make need careful thought before set in motion. Sharing your life story with strangers is an exciting and important idea. The tremendous effect it will have on readers is meaningful and inspiring.

How often have you said, ''I wish I knew my parents' life experiences in their past?

How can you learn from your parents' past life experiences?

It is sometimes too late to gather information by sharing past experiences. Be open in sharing your life experiences, what you share reflects your character.


Your wisdom is shared openly with strangers. You recognize wisdom when you have had a close experience with it. What comes from within is eventually shown to the public.

Knowledge, guidance, experience, intelligence, and an understanding you have experienced are part of your wisdom to give you that balanced lifestyle.

The journey you take shows your greatest experiences in generosity, and in your values.

These lessons learned are important to share unique thoughts.

The difficult times you have had bring out that rock in you, the one you had no idea was there. Your life is an abundance of accomplishments, adventure, wisdom and stories.

Follow your heart and you will know better about yourself.

There are several ways to approach writing, with various ways of help and guidance.

Experience creates you, and without the abilities, and examples of past generations you are not enlightened about life itself.

Where to find your roots, and follow through with culture leaves you with an interesting outcome.

The really important matters!

You care deeply for loved ones but focus on yourself to know yourself better. Share an experience that you learned an important lesson from to allow for open conversations.

Write about what happened in your life before going into the experience of how you immigrated to another country. Write about your life in your country what affected you and how you managed the day-to-day issues there.

In my case, life in South Africa was different. I was raised with happiness and within a loving family.

The people I spent my life with taught me to laugh and to be happy from within. It is just a normal lifestyle for me to be happy and appreciate life.

Positive living allowed my experience to be good and well-deserving. I have grown to enjoy my new lifestyle and not blame others for my choices in my life.

Writing is a guide to allow for the sharing of your stories.

Recognize your mistakes and move on with happy moments.

Be yourself!

Keep perspective and keep the light in your heart. Allow for motivation, and inspiration and be selective in your meaningful words when spoken.

Don't undervalue your mistakes!

The eyes are the window to your soul to make you see further than you ever thought you could see.

You learn wisdom through your reflections, from your past generations, and through your experiences.

Wisdom learned from your experience is the best way. Knowledge is what you have from research, and if you put that to use then you become the knowledgeable one.

You can't say you have a good idea if you don't have more than one idea. When you share what you know others, learn from you and grow with your knowledge too. People tend to forget the good moments and focus on the bad moments.

Sharing your experiences with good people is the answer to having a positive lifestyle. Your story is unique and walking in different pathways is a journey indeed.

You find your voice and open up to others about your story. Your story helps others and that is a crucial point of your story.

The benefit of understanding your story also teaches you something new about yourself.

In sharing your story, you find peace and hope in your life throughout the whole story. The sense of peace you find in your writing shows your values and hopefulness.

Lessons learned from your experience are passed on to other people. You share your story and learn from your past.

Everything in detail is learned and the opportunities are endless. You see for yourself from these experiences that life is full of surprises.

The more humble you realize where you come from and that you have become in a greater perspective. You are responsible for the choices you make in your life. Be courageous and bold in your thoughts.

Your failures, struggles and truth arise from within. People have weaknesses, and trying to hide your weaknesses is not a courageous idea.

Writing from the heart is rewarding and a great way to share what you have in mind. Try to share my experiences on Hubpages and it has been a while since I have written Hub.

New cultures and different people allow for new lessons. When you put your mind to writing about an experience you feel better about yourself.

The writing process opens your mind and makes you that hopeful human being all over again.

Of course, the experience won't vanish from your memory, be it a good one, or a bad one. You let out what has been hurting you for many years, and learn the truth about yourself too.

If the experience was not the pain then you don't have much to worry about in your story.

Write and share what you know will make you a better person and that others will learn from your experience. Whatever, you have on your mind, jot it down and see how feel afterwards.

You may be vulnerable in telling your story to remembering your story could be a lesson to many readers out there. I enjoy writing and it makes me feel great to share what is on my mind.

Help each other in sharing different stories and accepting them. The people you share your story with must have an understanding, or they won't get your point.

Creative minds are eager to write their stories and are brave to share their experiences.

Enjoy writing about your experiences. If you don't enjoy it, then don't write about it. To write you need confidence and encouragement.

Wise words


Understand your Journey

Do you know your journey?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Devika Primić


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