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Signs of chronic venous insufficiency

Updated on January 3, 2013

They are numerous and important to know in order to respond immediately and begin proper treatment.

At first, heavy legs constitute the bulk of complaints. They occur mainly during prolonged standing, trampling of, exposure to a heat source ... This feeling gets worse with time (worse at night). It is enhanced by cool, walking and lying down.

Other signs may occur as people heat, burning feet, tingling, itching, tingling, numbness in the feet or legs (but sometimes these signs appear only in one leg and not both).

Then swelling, edema, cramps, feelings of tightness in the calf, pain, stiffness, restlessness and cramps occur.

Finally, varicose veins appear followed by gradually extending across a vein or an entire limb. Complications are always possible: phlebitis (with risk of embolism), bruising, bleeding, stasis dermatitis, ulcers, eczema...

Venous balance

Early symptoms, it is important to consult a vein specialist to carry out an assessment of all lower limb venous networks, or as the abdomen.

The doctor will examine both lower limbs in search of spider veins, varicose veins, dermatitis, eczema ... It feel the calves to ensure their flexibility and the presence of pain. When a calf is swollen to determine if it is edema, the doctor will support with his thumb. In case of edema, skin tissue "pitting" that is to say, it keeps the thumbprint for several seconds.

The sign of the flow is also suggestive of venous insufficiency. The doctor places a hand on the upper part of a large vein (the thigh or upper calf) and with the other hand he performs percussion on a vein in the lower part of the leg. Perception percussion upper hand evidence that both hands are well on the same axis venous . Then he proceeded to reverse maneuver, that is to say that this time it is the hand which has a high impact. If the low hand perceives, it means that there is a lack of venous valves, which is a sign of the IVC. This maneuver is called the maneuver Schwartz.

The maneuver of Trendelemburg is empty veins their blood, raising the leg. Then the doctor places a tourniquet at the thigh. The person then starts up and the tourniquet is removed. If the vein is filled immediately, it means she is incontinent and therefore pathological.

Blood tests have little interest in the case of IVC. They will, at most, to ensure the absence of clotting disorders (favoring phlebitis) or diabetes may aggravate skin disorders.

Doppler ultrasonography of the lower limb veins is today, the key consideration in case of IVC. It evaluates all venous networks: the network is seen as superficial and deep network that we do not see, and perforating veins that connect the two networks. He studied the condition and thickness of the vein walls. Find it possible phlebitis. The Doppler examination is essential before any surgery or sclerotherapy.

Other more specialized tests are possible, such as venography, venous fiberoptic, laser Doppler, capillaroscopy ...

Causes of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Age is the biggest factor. The IVC starts to grow from 35 years for both men and women. The decrease in venous tone is the cause.

Heredity also plays a role. A child to 90% of chances of suffering from IVC during his life, if both parents are themselves affected.

Hormone treatments and the contraceptive pill.

Hormonal changes (puberty, menopause, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance) weaken the vein wall.

Pregnancy because of hormonal changes but also the pressure of the baby on the veins which promotes the expansion dam upstream that is to say the lower limbs.


History of phlebitis.

Physical inactivity, static postures at work, prolonged standing, trampling.

Heat: sunlight, radiators, car heater, hot tub, sauna.

Cuts by tight clothing, corsets ... but also fibrotic scars, bruises, tumors ... or is crossing your legs ... that impede venous return.

Smoking and alcohol.

Constipation which will compress the abdominal venous return.

Other causes are strongly suspected: diabetes, cholesterol, artificial electromagnetic fields, the exaggerated lumbar curvatures, certain medications.

In addition, fatigue, dirty bodies (excess toxins), Digestive and Kidney deficiencies appear to be factors aggravating mechanisms of occurrence of the IVC.

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Causes of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Age is the biggest factor. The IVC starts to grow from 35 years for both men and women. The decrease in venous tone is the cause.

Heredity also plays a role. A child to 90% of chances of suffering from IVC during his life, if both parents are themselves affected.

Hormone treatments and the contraceptive pill.

Hormonal changes (puberty, menopause, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance) weaken the vein wall.

Pregnancy because of hormonal changes but also the pressure of the baby on the veins which promotes the expansion dam upstream that is to say the lower limbs.


History of phlebitis.

Physical inactivity, static postures at work, prolonged standing, trampling.

Heat: sunlight, radiators, car heater, hot tub, sauna.

Cuts by tight clothing, corsets ... but also fibrotic scars, bruises, tumors ... or is crossing your legs ... that impede venous return.

Smoking and alcohol.

Constipation which will compress the abdominal venous return.

Other causes are strongly suspected: diabetes, cholesterol, artificial electromagnetic fields, the exaggerated lumbar curvatures, certain medications.

In addition, fatigue, dirty bodies (excess toxins), Digestive and Kidney deficiencies appear to be factors aggravating mechanisms of occurrence of the IVC.


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