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Simple and Great Ways to Stay Healthy

Updated on February 9, 2012

Exercise Daily

Exercise should be part of your daily routine, even if it is just for half an hour. Physical activity tones muscles and reduce unwanted body fat. Exercise is a great stress buster. It ensures the brain produces enough levels of serotonin which helps to fight off disease and prevent you from slipping into a depression. All it takes is no more than 15 minutes of exercise for your endorphin level to increase and energise you mentally and physically.

Breakfast – the most important event of the day

Breakfast is the opening salvo to reboot your system. After sleeping for 8 hours, our bodies need food as fuel to kick start. Cereal, milk and fruits are the 3 major food groups that provide the important nutrients and glucose to amps our concentration, focus and productivity. This will lift our spirit and brighten our day.

Relax and Unwind

In this face pace information age, people need to be reminded to relax and unwind. Yoga and meditation are great exercises for relaxation. Even five minutes a day of meditation can keep you healthier. Studies at Harvard Medical School discovered that long-term practitioners of relaxation methods had far more “disease-fighting genes” that protect from disorders such as pain, infertility, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis. You need to learn and practise the meditation correctly to reap the benefits. You need to be able to enter a state of deep relaxation where tension is released from the body level and you mind completely switches off...

Drink Up

Water is your body’s principal chemical component and it makes up about two thirds (2/3) of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water – from clearing toxins from vital organs, to transport nutrients to your cells. Drink at least eight 8-ounces glasses of water a day, 8 by 8 rule). That’s about 1.9 litres.

Snack Smart

Your body uses calories for the digestion process. By eating small amounts of food more frequently, you can burn calories efficiently. Fatigue will set in within the 4 hours when you are between meals because your body’s energy supply drops. Well-timed snacks provide a consistent supply of fuel to your body. Studies show that if you snack between 2:00-4:00pm, your cognitive skills like reading speed, arithmetic reasoning, memory and attention span will improve. Your choice of healthy snack must involve variety, balance and moderation. Try to limit the snack calories to 100 to 200 calories. Stir clear of foods with simple carbohydrates like candy bar and soda. Go for food with complex carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads, cereals, cheese, peanut butter, low-fat yogurt and nuts.

Sleep Tight

Don’t sacrifice your sleeping time. Sleep is a necessity. The better you sleep, the sharper you will be when you are awake. When you mind is sharp, you will be calmer, more creative and more agile. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep. For older adults who tend to sleep more lightly will need to take daytime nap to make up for it.

Sit Up Straight and Stand Tall

Having good posture project confidence and make us more attractive. Poor posture causes abnormal stress loads on the muscles and joints. In the long run, it can cause arthritis and weaken the lungs and vascular system. Having good posture means you sit, stand and walk in an upright position that places least amount of pressure on supporting muscles and ligaments. Maintain your optimum weight and tone your muscles. Stretching and weight bearing exercises are excellent for maintaining postural health.

Social and Bonding

Good relationships and vibrant social life will make us happier. Cheerful lifestyle and positive mindset will prevent us from slipping in to depression. Strong social support and symbiotic relationship will keep our mind healthy. Make sure you spend ample time with your family and friends in 2012, your health counts on them!


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