Some Facts About Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6
Some Facts About Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6
Detecting B6 Deficiency
The most common vitamin deficiency cause of epileptic such as nervous symptoms and hysterical, explosive, labile, emotionally upset depression is deficiency in Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 deficiency. Sufferers are painfully shy, sick recluses who must avoid other people, though they maintain a good intellectual grasp and are free from delusions and hallucinations.
The following symptoms are evident among people suffering from B6 deficiency :
- Low blood sugar which causes headache, dizziness, irritability, inability to concentrate, and extreme weakness.
- Excessive body weight much of which is often retained water.
- Many have dandruff in “showers “ on the shoulders and oily scales on the scalp and eyebrows, around the nose, and behind the ears.
- Sufferers may experience numbness and cramping in the arms and legs. Their hands maybe dry, cracked , and ache painfully, while mouth and tonque are also cracked and sore.
- Sufferers may experience nausea especially in the morning and insomnia
Theraputic Uses of Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B6 in doses of 75 to 1000 milligrams per day along with magnesium and
ther nutrients is helpful in treating many childhood disorders loosely classified as autism.
*· Sometimes use of Vitamin B6 has some positive effects on convulsions in infants, “rum fits” and other epileptic type illness.
* It can also help certain cases of Parkinson’s disease, the morning sickness characteristic of pregnancy, adolescent acne, and some kinds of anemia which do not respond to iron.
· * Ten milligrams of B6 and three hundred milligrams of magnesium oxide completely prevent the recurrence of kidney stones in 79% and benefited 89% of 265 patients with long histories of recurrent stone formation.
*· Vitamin B6 need is increased by estrogen, the female sex hormone and B6 supplements are helpful in situations wherein there is an existence of elevated estrogen levels.
- Serious deficiencies of B6 are observed in 50% of women taking birth control
pills and are encountering mood changes such as pessimism, irritability, tiredness, depression and loss of sex drive. It was observed that a group of such women who were also found to be B6 deficient when given 20- milligram tablets of pyridoxine hydrochloride twice daily for two months, experienced relief from the symptoms of depression.
* Many women became depressed and tense before the onset of their menstrual
and these pre-menstrual syndrome can often be eliminated by 50 to 200 milligrams of B6 daily.
- Pregnancy also increases estrogen levels and thus there is a need for greater B6
- A diet high in sugar (sucrose) or in protein especially the amino acids methionine
increases B6 need as do the drugs isonicotinic acid ( an anti-tuberculosis medicine), hydralazine(a drug for hypertension) and certain antibiotics.
- B6 supplements decrease the toxicity of the insecticide Dipterex, barbiturates,
carbon monoxide gas and X-rays.
Getting B6
The recommended daily allowance for B6 is 2 milligrams per day but when it is used to treat symptoms, anywhere from 5 to 1000 milligrams daily maybe required. Anyone taking more than 50 milligrams of B6 a day should take balancing amounts of the other nutrients used in B6 metabolism.
A magnesium deficiency may be created by large doses of B6 without supplemental magnesium. Two heaping tablespoons daily of Brewers’s yeast is a necessary generalsupplement for optimal B6 metabolism.
Food Sources :
- Meats particularly organ meats
- Fish
- Whole wheat bread
- Fresh fruits particularly bananas
- Vegetables
- Wheat germ is the hughest source
- Raw sugar cane