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Speak Fearlessly (No Matter How Shy You Are)

Updated on July 8, 2020

You can meet new people

It is true, there are many shy people in the world. And it is also true that many shy people would like to find a romantic partner. However, if starting a conversation is not your strongest point, here are some tips that could be very useful for you. Take them into account, and choose those that you think will work for you. Good luck, and remember, whatever happens, you have to stay calm and never forget to be true to yourself.

Believe in Yourself
Believe in Yourself | Source

Be True

Don't try to be something you are not.
You probably come dragging insecurities of various kinds that make you think that the way you are quickly drives away any potential partner. And maybe you think that a good way to get a romantic partner is to pretend to be something you are not or imitate the way of acting of someone you admire. This is totally untrue. Sooner or later the person you are trying to seduce will realize that you lied to seduce them and they will feel cheated. Trust what you are. If a person rejects you, there is no reason why you want to change who you really are. Try to be honest with yourself and you will see that soon one or more people will come into your life who will appreciate you for what you are.

You are beautiful just the way you are. Do not listen to the negative thoughts in your head.

Let it Flow

To have a good conversation with someone, you don't need to talk about topics that are too deep or complicated. In fact, most of the best conversations start with topics from everyday life. Simple, most of the time, is best. And in conversation matters it is the same. Although it might be difficult for you specially if you are trying to give a good impression to somebody new, try not to stress yourself too much when thinking about what to talk about. Although it may seem difficult, try to stay calm and let the conversation flow as naturally as possible. You will see that you will have a good time.

There is no need to be shy
There is no need to be shy | Source

Common interests matter

Perhaps you feel that you are a bit of a strange person and that for that reason making friends is quite difficult for you. You're wrong. Don't forget that the internet is your ally. As eccentric as you think your interests are, online you can always find someone to share them. Talking about topics that you are passionate about and dominate give you greater self-confidence. And feeling sure of yourself is transmitted in that you feel less inhibited when talking to another person. Over time, and when you have more confidence in yourself, you will find it easier to talk to people with all kinds of interests, but starting to do it with those you have more in common, is a good start.

You are unique

Be proud of what you are, no matter what other say

Believe in yourself

The confidence you have in yourself shows in everything you do. If you feel insecure about who you are, it will show even in the way you communicate with others. Work hard, a little day by day, in feeling better about yourself if you feel quite insecure when talking to another person. As you progress in increasing your self-esteem, you will realize that you do not have to use any type of mask for others to love you. If you want others to love you with great intensity and in a beautiful way, whether you like it or not, you must start by loving yourself. Love yourself so much that even those little flaws that made you feel insecure in the past become a source of pride for you. You will see how you begin to enjoy more of your time with yourself, and others will also enjoy your company.

He / She is human just like you

It is understood that you want to give the best impression to the person you are interested in, but do not forget that he or she is human like you. Don't push yourself too hard or push your potential romantic interest to talk endlessly. Better focus on the two of you having a very good time. Respect your respective silences, as well as the moments when you want to chat. Respect how far the other person wants to go and you will see that everything will flow in the best possible way.


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