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The Health Risks of Sitting

Updated on April 5, 2020
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Among his varied other writing interests, Richard Parr aspires to create interesting and inspiring stories about life.


That's Right. Sitting 6+ hours per day will raise your chance of dying in the next 15 years by a massive 40%.

And research shows that not even exercise can offset the negative effects of prolonged and regular sitting.

The only solution — Sit less

More dour by the hour...

How many hours a day do you sit?

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No Surprise: Sitting makes us fat.

Over the past three decades, exercise rates have stayed about the same, but the time we spend sitting has increased by approximately 10%

Obesity has doubled!

Keep reading to discover some alternatives to sitting.

Length of sit governs size of seat

How overweight are you?

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Did you Know sitting can place stress on the neck, shoulders, lumbar region and circulatory vessels?

Stress can lead to pain. Pain increases the production of cortisol in the body. Prolonged higher levels of cortisol in the bloodstream have negative effects;

  • Suppressed thyroid function
  • Decreased muscle tissue
  • Decreased bone density
  • Increased abdominal fat
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Lowered immunity

It's time to take a stand when...

You suffer pain in which area most while sitting at your computer

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Those who sit three hours or more per day watching TV are 64% more likely to die from heart disease.

Of those who sit in front of the TV three hours per day, those who exercise are just as overweight as those who don't

Every extra hour over the three spent watching TV, equates to an 11% higher death risk.

Television Poll

How many hours do you watch on average per day

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Get off your Butt

In the past it was recommended to do thirty minutes of exercise to offset the effect of sitting.

Now we know that's not the secret.

The secret: eliminate, minimise and interrupt sitting as much as possible.

Even standing increases calorie burn ten times that of sitting

Energising Exercise

What form of exercise appeals to you most

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Sitting at 135° puts less strain on your back than hunching forward or sitting straight
Sitting at 135° puts less strain on your back than hunching forward or sitting straight | Source

Consider Alternatives to Sitting

The best option, if possible, is to stand rather than sit. Advantages include:

  • Reduced stress on the body
  • Improved circulatory systems
  • Increased muscle mass and tone
  • Improved posture

If unable to stand, other options include:

  • Purchase an ergonomic seat
  • Every hour get active for 15 minutes
  • Alternate sitting and standing

Get Proactive

What method of reducing your sitting time will you use?

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Top Ergonomic Chairs


The facts of the matter



This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Richard Parr


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