Stress and Wellness
What is Stress?
Stress is defined as a chemical, physical factor which causes tension within the body. Stress can cause so many different physical and mental ailments, below are a few things that can be caused from having a constant stress load in your life.
1. Stroke
2. Ulcer
3. Heart Disease
4. Depression
5. High Blood Pressure
6. Insomnia
7. Muscle Aches
8. Increased or decreased appetite
9. Headaches
10. Even death in some severe cases
Stress in high levels is not the only thing that can cause these ailments I posted above, but it can be a huge factor that plays a big role in them. Below are a couple good ways to help reduce the stress in your life.

Don't Worry About the Small Stuff
Don't sweat the small stuff in life, in other words stop worrying about things you can't change. You can save yourself from some much unneeded stress and "wrinkles" by simply breathing and letting stuff kind of fall where it will. I mean the only thing that stress can cause is more stress and that is not very productive at solving anything.
Life is too short to waste it away trying to get everything perfect, or make everyone happy. Nobody and I mean nobody is perfect, so stop wasting all your precious time and energy on trying to be the best.

Sweat it Out
Exercise daily, it doesn't have to be a move to you drop workout, all that matters is that you move and get your heart pumping and blood flowing. I recommend dancing, boxing or yoga, which is fun and can be done at just about any fitness level. You will be amazed how you feel once you start a regular fitness routine, your stress levels should go from sky high to extremely low within the first week of starting a fitness regimen.
Scream and Shout
I know you may think this sounds crazy but sometimes you just need to scream and let everything out, stress is usually caused by too much pent up pressure built up within your body. So instead of holding it in just release one loud scream, " I recommend doing this outside if nobody is around, or into a pillow if they are." You may feel crazy doing this, but you will feel so much relief from doing this.
Talk or Write about it
Talking to a friend about what is stressing you out can be helpful as well. Sometimes just yapping about what is bugging you is enough to help calm you down. Friends are also pretty good at giving some helpful advice.
You could also try keeping a journal, write about what is bugging you. Writing is very therapeutic and helpful for dealing with stress.
Meditation is awesome for helping you release and deal with stress, Your body is put in an automatic, relaxed state of wellness while doing meditation. This calms down your racing heartbeat and boiling blood instantly.
The best part about meditation is you can do it just about anywhere. Anytime you feel your blood begin to boil, take a few deep, slow breaths and you should start to feel the tension leave your body.

Stress in normal levels is okay, just don't let stress ruin your life, and make you miserable. I hope you find the tips I posted above helpful. I am not a doctor of any kind, so please, please if you are experiencing any of the physical ailments I posted above, consult your physician immediately, he would be more qualified to give you tips on how to reduce your stress than I am.