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Know the Symptoms, Causes and Treatments for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

Updated on March 14, 2014
LoryRich profile image

What drive LoryRich's desire to share health-related hubs with the readers would be her own discoveries / learning with real health issues.

Be watchful of your salt intake. Caution can save your life.
Be watchful of your salt intake. Caution can save your life.

Symptoms for High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure (technically known as hypertension), a chronic medical condition, is considered as a silent killer. Headache can rarely happen but it is more often no sign or symptom can be felt at all.

Yes, afflicted persons may suffer no symptoms at all and can be unaware that their blood pressure is already overly high. Experts say that about one third of hypertensive people are unaware that they already got it. It is significant to note that age is no longer a significant factor since even children’s blood pressure can already shoot up into abnormally high level.

For those who have gotten to a very high level beyond what their body system can handle, say about 180/110 reading of systolic/diastolic and especially those who have experienced sudden soaring or rising of the blood pressure, certain symptoms may already appear and become more noticeable. This is the time to consult the nearest doctor immediately or as soon as possible. The signs of a very high blood pressure can include any of the following: headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, blurred or double vision, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, palpitations or irregular heartbeats. If you tarry and do not go to your doctor or hospital soonest, more severe complications may happen.

Remember that an untreated hypertension can even lead to a stroke, that is, if the obstructions happen in the brain area; or, it can lead to heart attack, that is, if the problem happens in the heart arteries. This is not to mention the high risk high blood pressure can bring to the kidneys and other vital organs of the body.


The latest report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that one in three adult Americans or about 68 millions people in America alone, have high blood pressure. If taken positively, such high level of statistics should make people be more health conscious and vigilant of their health condition. Blood pressure awareness or tracking blood pressure level on a regular basis is by no means a first important step towards better self-care.


Causes for High Blood Pressure

As one relevant quotation puts it: “One way to get high blood pressure is to go mountain climbing over molehills”. Hereunder are the most common known causes for a hypertensive condition:

- Triggered conditions involving unhealthy lifestyle which include stressful living, taking in of unhealthy foods, smoking, obesity, sedentary or inactive lifestyle and weak or poor immune system

- Natural aging and / or genetic predisposition or family history to the extent that the members shared similar lifestyle that was highly predisposed for hypertension

- Specific imbalance and organ dysfunction, e.g., hyperactivity of the kidney sympathetic nerves which leads to uncontrolled high blood pressure and endocrine conditions.


Prevention and Early Detection

revention through a healthy lifestyle is the best protection against any sickness or health condition including high blood pressure. And just like in any other chronic degenerative illnesses, the early detection of high blood pressure lends itself toward a greater chances for control, treatment and even for a complete healing. Thus, the minimum requirement, especially for those who are over forty years old and are at risk, is to be vigilant about your health. Have your blood pressure checked with or without symptoms. Take the initiative to undergo routine laboratory tests and check-ups with your medical doctor on a regular basis, that is, annually at the least. In any case, if ever you are diagnosed with high blood pressure condition, follow doctors’ advice and have a regular visit.

Treatments for High Blood Pressure

The usual treatments are usually given in any or a combination of the following modality:

1.Prescription medications like losartan, candesartan and others, depending on specific condition. Yet, without making certain lifestyle changes, prescribed medications can be of no or little efficacy to curb high blood pressure.

2.Lifestyle modifications:

Do remember this Chinese proverb: "He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skills of his doctors".

-Switching and commitment to a heart healthy diet consisting mostly of fresh vegetables and fruits with reasonable amount of fiber, low salt, less saturated fat intake and small portion of lean meats. Potassium-rich foods are highly favorable such as sweet potato, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, nuts and raisins.

-Adapting to a more active living by increasing physical activity through exercise.

-A determined weight loss program. The slimmer the body, the better chances for healing.

3.Natural means of healing through nutrition and supplementations with a consistent and lifelong lifestyle modifications. Often, this is a holistic approach to restore health, the specific objective of which is to strengthen the weak immune system of the patient so as to help the body’s defense system and to build up its own natural self healing capabilities. This also includes enough rest, and maintaining a positive and happy attitude. Reduction, or, even better, avoidance of stress and tensions is recommended which involved meditating (including yoga), listening to soothing music, engaging in hobbies like gardening, etc..

4.Available and latest technology and therapy, e.g. radiofrequency of RF balloon catheter. This was designed for medication resistant hypertension, It is one of the latest breakthrough which will be presented in Paris in May 2012 and will be available soon in the market. Dubbed as renal denervation, it is a percutaneous, catheter-based therapy that uses radiofrequency energy to disrupt a hyperactive renal (or kidney) sympathetic nerves. According to reports, renal denervation has shown in clinical studies to be safe, durable and effective in reducing systolic blood pressure by as much as 20 percent.

Go natural first to deal with the symptoms of hypertension. Remember that your body is not the problem; on the contrary, your body is your ally. Allow the body's self healing capability to work. You can boost your immune system anytime by natural ways. Watch this video.


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