Taebo : Basic Tae bo - Tae kwon do Steps and boxing your way to a healthier you
Have you imagine yourself dancing and throwing punches at the same time in a fast paced moves? Since I am into dancing, sometimes I enjoy myself doing the basic steps of tae kwon do plus dancing. It is cool. I know the basics of tae kwon do and boxing growing up in the Philippines where they teach children boxing, girls and boys alike. How about combining dancing and tae kwon do stance, it is fast moving, alerting all your senses and you will enjoy it. That is basically tae bo, fast faced kicking, boxing stance and dancing, YEEBAH.
What is Tae bo?
Tae bo is simply put “tae kwon do” and “boxing” using fast paced music, and following steps just like in dancing, all your senses are awake and it is fast paced moving. It became popular in the 1990s by Billy Blanks a tae kwon do practitioner . It also became a commercial success as it sells many learning Cds as well.
Steps are easy to follow, all you need is a "Tae bo" CD and a big TV in front of you, you can also use the computer if you have speakers and YOUTUBE, there are basic tae bo lessons at YOUTUBE too. Click on the video here and you will see it.
- You can choose the six or eight and ten minute workout Tae bo, but you can do the more intensified ones if you like.
Why is Tae bo recommended?
- I am recommending this one too as well as dancing because you just moved with the beat and do the punches.
- It is not boring, you danced and move with music
- It is indoor, you can do it anytime of the day, in your own house too
- You feel the energy and you have no choice but to follow and move with the steps
- It is kind of cool flexing your muscles while you move and dance (even if you are a woman)
- You can test your endurance too
- It is an aerobic exercise which tends to improve how your cardiovascular works in managing the oxygen inhale and exhale too.
- It also strengthen muscles and at the same time you become flexible
- You can have a choice of using tae bo moderately not the fast pace one if you like. However there are also high intensity workout intended to increase cardiovascular fitness, strength, muscular endurance and flexibility
- But Tae bo isn’t intended for learning the fighting mood stance, but it nonetheless includes all the punches and stance in basic karate. No throws, grappling and ground techniques to learn here
Now are you ready for the basic tae bo. C‘mon join me.
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