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Tea Tree Oil : 21 Uses

Updated on August 7, 2015

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil is an essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. Due to its antifungal, antibacterial and anti viral properties tea tree oil is used either pure or mixed with other essential oils in a diversity of situations.

Some Of The Most Common Uses For Tea Tree Essential Oil Are:

1) Tea Tree for Boils. Boils are red swollen and tender eruptions.

Tea tree oil has powerful antimicrobial properties and helps to fight infection. Apply a drop of undiluted tea tree oil to the boil several times a day until the eruption has healed.

2) Tea Tree oil for Impetigo.

Impetigo is a condition that causes tiny blisters, usually around the nose and mouth.  Tea tree’s antibacterial properties help dry impetigo blisters.  For a more effective treatment you can combine it with lavender essential oil which helps alleviate inflammation. 

To prepare your remedy mix:

  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil with
  • ½ teaspoon of tea tree essential oil and
  • ½ tea spoon of Lavender essential oil. 

Apply to the blisters 3 times a day.

3) Tea Tree Oil To Eliminate Warts

To eliminate warts. Tea tree oil has powerful antiviral properties and can help eliminate warts. Apply undiluted tea tree essential oil with a cotton swab directly to the wart several times a day.

4) Dry herpes blisters with tea tree oil.

Herpes being a virus cannot be treated with antibiotics. As an antiviral, tea tree oil helps to dry the herpes blisters. To prevent irritation of the skin and sensitive mucous membranes, dilute equal amounts of tea tree essential oil with vegetable oil and dab a small amount on to the blisters four times a day. Tea tree oil can also be applied directly to any blisters.

5) Tea tree oil to treat Inflammations,

To treat Inflammations, apply a warm washcloth impregnated with tea tree oil to the area for a few minutes. You can also apply undiluted tea tree oil directly on the inflamed area.

6) Tea tree oil to relieve colds

Use Tea Tree oil and Eucalyptus to relieve congestion during a cold. 

Try a herbal steam inhalation using 2 drops of tea tree essential oil and 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in two litres of hot boiling water.  Tea tree has antiviral and antibacterial properties and the eucalyptus oil helps drain mucous congestion.

7) For curing Athlete's Foot.

8) As a cure for nail and toenail fungal infections

Apply tea tree oil directly to infected area and cuticles.

9) Tea tree oil for acne

For treating inflamed and non-inflamed acne lesions you can apply tea tree oil directly onto infected area twice a day or add 60 drops of tea tree oil to your facial wash, apply twice daily. If you are applying tea tree oil over large areas of your face make sure you moisturize well your skin to avoid dryness. You can also try applying pure tea tree oil using a cotton ball onto slightly damp skin to lighten its effects.

10) Tea tree oil for dandruff

Tea tree oil can be used to reduce symptoms of dandruff.

11) To Disinfect Wounds.

Use tea tree oil to clean minor cuts to disinfect the wound.

12) Use tea tree oil to help with Asthma.

Just add a few drops of tea tree oil to a warm damp face cloth and breathe through it until the cloth cools down.

13) To relieve itchiness

To relieve itchinessfor insect bites, such as fleas, and disinfect the bite, add a drop of tea tree oil directly to the bite, you can repeat the treatment every 2 hours or until the itching has disappeared.

14) To get rid of head lice

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo, massage into hair, leave on for about 10 minutes and rinse. Repeat the treatment once a day until lice and nits are gone.

15) Tea Tree Oil For A Fresh Breath

To always have a fresh breath make a mouthwash adding one drop of tea tree oil in a glass of water. Use as an ordinary mouthwash, be careful not to swallow as tea tree oil can be toxic if ingested.

16) To guard from disease

To guard from disease you can gargle with one drop of tea tree oil dissolved in a glass of water. This solution will help your body fight bacteria, as with the mouthwash; make sure you don’t swallow the solution.

17) Tea Tree Oil Can Be Used For Bladder Infections

To relieve the symptoms of a bladder infection have a warm bath with 10 drops of tea tree oil in it.

18) For shaving

Use tea tree oil to disinfect your razors before shaving. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your razor to make sure there are no harmful bacteria transferred from the razor to your skin.

19) Tea tree oil to prevent offensive body odours.

You can use a drop of tea tree oil in your armpits to prevent bad smells. You can also mix equal parts of tea tree oil and a carrier oil to rub your feet with before wearing your shoes for the day.

20) To repel insects in your house

add a few drops of tea tree oil to your house cleaning products.

21) Tea tree oil as a natural deodorizer

Use tea tree oil as a natural deodorizer for your clothes and to help with mould, mildew, and odour causing bacteria. Just add a few drops of essential tea tree oil to your washing liquid before using it. Alternatively, you can buy inexpensive tea tree oil to add to your wash load. One or 2 teaspoons in a load of laundry can eliminate a host of odour causing problems.

Essential Oils: Tea Tree Oil

Safety Concerns

As with most medicaments some people might have allergic reactions to tea tree oil. The reactions can range from mild skin irritation to blisters and rashes.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding then consult your doctor before using tea tree oil. In any event, tea tree oil should not be taken internally.

Aromatherapy for Dummies


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