Teenage Hair Loss
Hair loss is a natural thing that happens to everyone. Around 50-120 strands fall out everyday. When clumps of hair begin to fall out though, you begin to panic. It can be extremely frightening to see your hair clogging the shower's drain or all over your pillow. Girls find this to be even more terrifying considering they care more about their looks. Plus guys can be bald without anyone making fun of them. Guys may like having hair but girls need it.
It doesn't seem like something you should have to worry about in your teenage years. Having acne and nice clothes are most teenagers concerns. Hair loss seems more of a thing to dread when you get old. This is becoming a common thing with teenagers these days. Thick, silky hair is turning to thin, dry strands. This can be traumatizing, as well as a sign that there could be something wrong. Don't freak out though! There are many possible reasons as to why your hair is falling out.
If you are really worried then you can go to your doctor but you really only have to worry if you can see your scalp through your hair. Of course teenagers are going to freak out and want to go before it gets that bad, which is totally understandable. Things like a thyroid condition can be the cause of the hair loss.
Style. Teenagers that wear their hair in tight ponytails or braids can risk damaging their hair. Those styles pull at the roots and can lead to the hair falling out. This can also cause scarring which will cause permanent damage. Excess hair spray can also lead to balding as the oils and chemicals can build up and block follicles which can keep them from growing as they should.
Anemia. Tests show that iron deficiency can cause hair loss.
Pregnant. While women, or teenagers in this case, are pregnant they can loose hair. After giving birth, it is also common to loose hair because of the hormonal changes.
Seasonality. You'll lose the most when your hair reaches maturity in its growth cycle. This is typically in November and December.
Medications. Hair loss can be a side effect of medications and birth control. If you have recently started either of the two you should probably change medicines to avoid any further hair loss.
Diet. Teenagers are not as healthy as they should be. They eat unhealthy foods and, by force of peer pressure, they have extreme diets. These factors, mainly the latter, can result in weak hair that will shed more than normal along with some other problems.
Stress. Teenage years are some of the hardest years of your life. Everything is hard and stressful. It seems like it is impossible for anything to go right. Severe, chronic stress can lead to hair loss.
Equipment. Curling or straightening hair is often a daily routine for teenage girls. These heated tools should not be used daily as they are damaging.
Alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune condition which causes the hair to fall out in patches.
Trichotillomania. It's a mental disorder which makes a person pull out their own hair.