10 Major Depression Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of
Hi readers, this article was written to help those who might be going through a rough time and need help. I remember when I had major depression and almost lost my life had it not been for family and friends. Maybe these tips will help. If you know someone who is showing any of these depression symptoms, get them help fast before it gets worse.
It is a fact that someone who is depressed is usually the last to realize it.
About clinical Depression
There are many different types of depression but the one I am talking about is clinical or major depression because this is the one that had me in a state invisible bondage for years.
Clinical depression is where a person feels depressed for an extended period of time and their daily lives are severely affected by this. When a person is clinically depressed it changes their lifestyle, eating habits, sleeping habits, work attitude, their interactions with people and their general outlook on life.
People who suffer from this condition are usually irrational in their thoughts and behavior and see things in a dark or negative light. They cannot be easily cheered up and they will withdraw from society. They usually end up contemplating suicide or actually going through with it.
Major depression doesn't easily go away. Meaning it's not seasonal or for short periods. In most cases, clinical depression last for years if goes untreated and usually requires some sort of therapy to recover.
Some people will become worse and become irrecoverable, having a total breakdown.
1. A Low Sad Feeling
One of, and sometimes the first symptom of clinical depression is a low sad feeling. If this feeling lasts for more than three days then try to figure out what is going on. Is there a death in the family? Are you in good health? What is wrong? It is understandable if you are grieving or having a broken heart but a sudden feeling of sadness and low personal thoughts are definitely one of the first signs you are depressed. This is always accompanied by a feeling of being lost or a feeling of guilt.
2. The feeling of not wanting to get out of bed
Most lazy people feel this way everyday, but the industrious are usually up and buzzing not getting enough time to rest and relax. When someone you know who is usually up and about takes to their bed at nine or ten in the morning, start asking questions. Get them out of bed and doing stuff they may enjoy. Get them to go out to dinner or a movie. Don't leave them alone or it will get worse. Depression usually take on this symptom early in the condition.
3. Sleeping too much
The two first symptoms are usually associated with this one. You will find yourself feeling low and sad, probably thinking that your are not well or that your a worthless, then the feelings of weariness takes over and you don't want to get out of bed. Being weary will let you sleep till noon or even all day. You just want to close those windows and cover your head with the sheets and pretend it is still night. This depression symptom will send red flags to the very observant person.
4. Insomnia
You might not believe it but insomnia is sometimes considered a symptom of depression. This might sound a little contradictory but it sometimes comes after the over sleeping. What may happen after a while of too much sleeping is that when you go to bed at night you lie awake wondering what's happening to you. You will start to get restless and not able to fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning and the weariness comes back again and you sleep all day.
Note: Not everyone who is depressed will experience insomnia. This is a disorder in itself and may be reflective of another problem.
Are you depressed?
How many of these symptoms are you experiencing?
5. Loss or Gain of Appetite
(a) Loss - Some persons may lose their appetite to some degree or altogether. They can't stand the sight or smell of food and will barely pick around on their plates. You will find these persons losing weight rapidly for the lack of nutrition. This may lead to disorders like Bulimia and Anorexia.
(b) Gain - On the other hand a person may gain their appetite usually for unhealthy foods that are high in fats, sugar and carbs. Ice cream, cookies, cakes and pastries, fried foods and fast foods are their friends. Eating is not for nutrition but for comfort and in most instances they feel that they have no one or nowhere to go for this comfort, hence junk food. These foods provide temporary reprieve form the mental anguish being experienced.
If you find yourself experincing any of these two symptoms, get yourself checked. It may be that you are depressed.
6. Sudden Bursts of Tears
One of the most common symptoms of depression, it may be a quiet reasonable conversation between friends and suddenly there are tears, leaving you perplexed and confused wondering what you did wrong.They might be alone and the tears just start to flow. The kitchen faucet may have a little drip or the jelly jar too tight. Simple things or maybe nothing at all may bring on the tears. Trust me, I have been there.
I remember the first time it happened to me and I called my friend and said, "something is wrong with me, I can't stop crying!"
7. Always wanting to be alone
Being alone is not really a bad thing, but when you want to get away from your spouse, children and friends all the time without explanation they need to get worried. Dying to get home from work all the time away from everyone looking at you. The place seems too crowded and you can't stand the sound of voices, music, cars, any sound at all. You want to lock yourself in your bedroom or bathroom for hours on end. Don't want to talk to anyone, even your spouse. Has this been happening for a while? You are definitely showing signs of depression.
8. Irritability
Annoyed at everyone and everything? Everything gets on your nerves? You get irritated if your quiet is disturbed or someone disobeys you? The simplest of things will have you throwing a tantrum.
Sometimes, immediately after the feeling of irritation the tears will come for some persons. You feel like no one is with you or nothing is going your way.
9. Feelings of Worthlessness and Doom
Another very common symptom. This is where it starts to get really serious. It is not just a feeling anymore but your mind is now taken over by the lowliness and sadness of the early signs. You feel as if nothing is going your way or no one loves you. Your feelings of self worth are very low. The world is against you and you don't want to be in it. You feel like a failure and when you look in the mirror you hate what you see. You feel worthless and lonely even though your house is filled with loved ones. You push away your spouse, relatives, children and friends because you think you are worth nothing to them. I can say with surety that you are depressed.
Then ultimately #10 will arrive....................................................
10. Thoughts of Suicide
The moment you start thinking that your family and friends don't need you and that they will be much better off without you, or you can't live without the love of your life, you need instant help.
You needed help from the first signs but sometimes these are signs of other issues. Thoughts of suicide are proof that you are truly depressed and need help fast. Getting help early will prevent the mental breakdown that suicidal thoughts bring.
Some of the above symptoms are synonymous with other medical or mental problems. However a combination of two or more might be an indication that the person is depressed. If the person displays sign one and/or two keep a close eye to see if the others will develop. Some signs may come not in the order suggested as each person's condition is unique.
Reference: Doctor's Diagnosis. Information garnered through personal experience and personal medical files verified by Physician.
For more information on Depression follow these links:-
- Major depression - PubMed Health
PubMed Health offers up-to-date information on diseases, conditions, drugs, treatment options, and healthy living, with a special focus on comparative effectiveness research from institutions around the world. - Depression Symptoms, Treatment, Medication, Causes, Types, Signs and Diagnosis by MedicineNet.com
Learn about depression symptoms in men, women, teenagers, and children. Plus, read about treatment, medications, medication side effects, causes and diagnosis.