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Teresa's Own Success Tidbits
Set a goal or a standard
Whether you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth or not, you have to set a goal and a standard to be better or achieve better; everyone knows that without a goal, you could as well be moving in a circle in the same place.
While others can sharpen help your goal or standard, the buck stops with you. A standard should be your own, not your parents, teachers, social media; when a standard is generated external of you, the motivation to achieve is not that strong or it is up and down or all over the place, and as such the results are poor. Your standard should be based on your goal and values.
If you can meet your own standard, it is easy to meet the standard of others. Whether you like it or not you have to contend with the standard of others regularly or intermittently in the course of your life, so you might as well get used to it.
Hang around the right crowd
Believe in someone, in addition to believing in God; believe in yourself, your parent, sibling or friend! Just believe, because the truth is you are not an island after all. “Human beings are social animals” and you will need someone to bounce your ideas on once in a while, regardless of how independent you are or become. But make sure those you believe in or hang out with, give you positive vibes or encourage you, not pull you down.
Secondly, believe in something at least; your aspirations, humanity, common good. You should be outward looking, not inward in order to develop the right wings to fly. Relying on your internal wisdom may limit the horizon and you may not be able to optimize your potential
Thirdly do some research, learn and don’t be terrified of change; in any case change will come whether you like it or not so why not just flow with it. Google has made research and learning easy with a lot of information at your disposal, so if you are not learning, then you are deliberately choosing not to learn
Save, invest and own some assets
Desist from spending all you earn or spending in advance. Save in assets that have capacity to appreciate. Loans are good, but only if you are able to invest in something productive, and you are able to pay back. Unplanned loans can make you a slave, but productive loans can establish you among the haves.
When you succeed don’t let it cloud your judgement or diminish your humanity; be nice and helpful to people around you or those that you meet or reach out to you, especially those in need.
Remember you have one mouth and two ears!
Think before you speak; it will save you a lot of trouble and unhappiness, and if what you are saying is not meant to build or lift your listener then it is better to keep your peace.
Listen more than you speak, based on the popular saying, “God gave us two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak”
Know yourself; what you can or can’t do, your tolerance limit and remove yourself from people or situations that can force you to go against these limits illogically
Teach others, for in doing so you grow and expand your territories
When you find yourself down be responsible and get up
If or when you find yourself down for whatever reason, you have to make a personal decision to remain down or get up dust yourself and move on; you alone are responsible for the choice even though others around you may stretch a hand to help you get up. Whining and complaining will not change the situation
Stop dwelling on how you got down; it does not matter. As a matter of fact, focusing on how or who got you down will only slow your progress and help you justify why you can’t work hard or achieve much
Stop looking back unless you are looking at your shoulder to ensure no enemies are approaching; dwelling on the past will excuse your miserable present and future! The past is just that; the past. The future holds the real promise, but you have to peep into it to see
Quit complaining about every challenge you run into; that is why it is a challenge to be conquered not to be mourned about. And remember everyone else is facing a challenge of some sort; it may not just be like yours
When you succeed be grateful and be happy!
Be appreciative of everything, life, family, health, taste, appetite, environment. You will discover that gratitude is such a healer and opens up your world of opportunities to a more fulfilling life. Stay away from envy, and walk your own lane at your pace, for the grass is not always green on the other side.
When you have excess give back to family, to the church, to the poor around you. We always imagine giving is from abundance, but the truth is, real giving is from love, not abundance. So you don’t have to be a Bill Gates to give. When you give don’t broadcast, but consider it savings in God’s kingdom.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Teresa Maru