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The 15 Best Selling Drugs

Updated on June 25, 2019
Aron Mejias MD profile image

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The Best Selling Drugs in America

The pharmaceutical industry is forecasted to reach the 1.12 trillion in 2022. The industry has shown a steady growth of the 6.5% yearly during the last three years. The drugs that concentrate the pharmaceutical’s revenue are the latest generations of monoclonal antibodies, which are used as anti-neoplastic or medicines to treat cancer and immune modulators or medicines to treat autoimmune diseases. The 15 bestselling drugs represent 10% of the global market with 85 USD billion per year.

One of the reasons for the staggering sales figures is that the health care systems have improved around the world. Nowadays, newly FDA approved drugs are available globally to treat anybody who needs them.

On the other hand, the most prescribed drug or the drug that is most widely used by patients around the world, tt is the levothyroxine, which is taken by 21.5 million of patients in the USA and it is estimated as many as 10% or the earth people, who take prescriptions, might take it. It is used to treat the thyroid gland hormones deficit, which is called hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry does not report individual drugs by country or region, which makes hard to get reliable information. The list of essential medicines might be at the top of the list, but without a global estimate used, they cannot be quoted.

The top 15-bestselling drugs' list was created with the sales report from the USA insurance companies and the leading pharmaceutical sales reports for the 2016 and 2017.

15 Neulasta® (Pegfilgrastim)

Net sales: 4.7 billion during 2016, a 3.4 % increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of: Neutropenia, which is a decrease in the white cells count in the blood.

Drug manufacturer:Amgen Inc.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim) is a human made chemical, which imitates the natural substance secreted by the body that stimulates or induces the production and formation of a white cell type called neutrophils. The neutrophils prevent new and help fighting infections. This medicine is given to patients, who are taking anticancer drugs (chemotherapy) that destroy this type of white cells. Additionally, patients who were exposed to high levels or radiations.

14 Lyrica® (Pregabalin)

Net sales: 4.97 billion during 2016, a - 5.4 % decrease is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of severe neurogenic pain (pain caused by nerves).

Drug manufacturer: Pfizer.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Lyrica (pregabalin) is a widely prescribed drug for the treatment of nerves originated pain. Neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, which is caused by the damage or destruction of the limbs nerves by the high levels of sugar in the blood. Post-herpetic neuralgia, which is the pain left after a herpes zoster infection. Fibromyalgia, which is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by multiples body’s pains. Neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury, which can be caused by herniated vertebral discs, nerves compressions, surgery or accidents.

13 Eylea® (Aflibercept)

Net sales: 5.05 billion during 2016, a 40 to 75% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of: diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, macular edema following retinal vein occlusion, and diabetic macular edema.

Drug manufacturer: Bayer and Regeneron Pharmaceutical.

Company’s headquarters country: Germany and Ireland.

Eylea (aflibercept) is a biomolecular drug developed by Regeneron pharmaceutical, which inhibits the abnormal blood vessel growth inside the eye. The medicine is used to treat the diabetic retinopathy, which is the proliferation of blood vessels in front of the retina causing multiples micro bleedings with together produce visual impairment by blocking the light from reaching the retina. Before the development of Eylea (aflibercept), the only treatment available for this medical condition was the laser ablation (destruction), now an injection inside the eye can control and improve the medical condition. Additionally, age-related macular degeneration, macular edema following retinal vein occlusion, and diabetic macular edema can be treated successfully with it.


12 Xarelto® (Rivaroxaban)

Net sales: 5.39 billion during 2016, a 25% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of blood’s clot prevention.

Drug manufacturer: Janssen Biotech, Inc. and Bayer.

Company’s headquarters country: The United States and Germany.

Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) is a drug use to make the blood thinner and prevent the clot formation. The rivaroxaban attaches to a blood component called factor Xa and prevents the clots formation. The drug is used in order to avoid veins and arteries occlusion (blocked blood vessels). The medicine starts working 4 hours after its ingestion, and it is one of the most prescribed blood thinners worldwide. Currently, there are more than 24 millions of users globally.

11 Prevnar 13® (Anti-Pneumococci or Anti-Streptococcus Pneumoniae Vaccine)

Net sales: 5.72 billion during 2016, a 30% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of: Prevention of pneumococci generalized infections.

Drug manufacturer: Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Pfizer.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

The Prevnar 13 (anti-pneumococci or anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine), offer protection against 13 different types of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, which can infect the lungs and produce pneumonia or lung infections. The Prevnar 13 vaccine is recommended for children from 6 weeks through 17 years and adults older than 50 years old to prevent the lung infections, and in some cases, the vaccine can protect against some types of brain infections in children.

10 Lantus® (Insulin Glargine)

Net sales: 6.05 billion during 2016, a – 2% decrease is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (high blood sugar level).

Drug manufacturer: Sanofi.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Lantus (Insulin glargine) is a long-acting insulin (insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar level) with tries to imitate the natural secreted insulin. Because of the obesity epidemic and the genetic predisposition of black race and Hispanics to high blood sugar levels, the different medicines to low the blood sugar levels are on the rise. However, Lantus sales might decrease because the patent exclusively period already expired and other generic drugs are now available with the same chemical composition.

9 Januvia® (Sitagliptin)

Net sales: 6.1 billion during 2016, a .02% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (high blood sugar level).

Drug manufacturer: Merck & Co., Inc.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

JANUVIA® (sitagliptin) is a pill to low the blood sugar level. The increased number of obese population and the simplicity to take just one pill per day make this drug one of the most prescribed treatment worldwide. The Januvia sales are expected to increase steadily by 20% per year during the next five years.


8 Herceptin® (Trastuzumab)

Net sales: 6.51 billion during 2016, a 4% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of Some types of breast and Gastric Cancers.

Drug manufacturer: Genentech, Inc.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Herceptin (trastuzumab) is a monoclonal antibody used as an adjuvant for treatment of certain types of cancer of the breast and stomach. The Herceptin is administered in combination with other anti-cancer drugs. The usual treatment duration is 52 weeks.

7 Avastin® (Bevacizumab)

Net sales: 6.51 billion during 2016, a 4% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of Some cancer of the bowel, kidney, lungs, and ovaries that spread through the body.

Drug manufacturer: Genentech, Inc.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Avastin (bevacizumab) is a monoclonal antibody used as an adjuvant for treatment of certain types of cancer of the bowel, kidney, lungs, and ovaries that spread through the body. The drug works by preventing the blood vessels from forming and reaching the tumors or cancer cells, which produce that the tumors or cancer cells reduce its size because it does not find enough blood to support it. The Avastin is advertised as the drug that starves the tumors. It is a monoclonal antibody, which prevents the formation of new blood vessels on the cancer cells. Avastin and Herceptin reports the same sales during 2016 and 2017.

6 Revlimid® (Lenalidomide)

Net sales: 6.97 billion during 2016, a 16% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of: multiple myeloma (MM), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and some types of transfusion-dependent anemia.

Drug manufacturer: Celgene.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Revlimid (lenalidomide) is a similar chemical product to the thalidomide with immunomodulatory, antineoplastic or anticancer, and antiangiogenic or prevent the new blood vessel growth and formation around the cancer cells. It works by inducing the cells auto-destruction (apoptosis), and it increases the cellular activity of a specific white cells line called Lymphocytes T4, which are natural killers of malignant and foreign cells.

5 Remicade® (Infliximab)

Net sales: 7.83 billion during 2016,

Indicated for Treatment of Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and plaque psoriasis.

Drug manufacturer: Janssen Biotech, Inc and Merck.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Remidcade (infliximab) is one monoclonal antibody that got FDA approval in 1998 to treat certain autoimmune diseases. The Remicade works by blocking the action of a chemical compound called the TNFα, which is the primary responsible for local inflammation. Therefore, by blocking its response, the local inflammation is markedly reduced or even prevented decreasing the symptoms associated with it. This drug action is called immune suppressant because it inhibits or suppresses the immune system action.


4 Rituxn® (Rituximab)

Net sales: 8.58 billion during 2016, a 25% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of some blood and lymph cancers, such as some Non–Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Additionally, it can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

Drug manufacturer: Janssen Biotech, Inc and Merck.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Rituxan® (rituximab) is a monoclonal antibody with immunomodulation actions that work on some white cells type called lymphocytes B and produce that some of them, which are CD20 died, by doing it they reduce the inflammation in the body.

3 Enbrel® (Etanercept)

Net sales: 8.87 billion during 2016, a 2% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of: rheumtoid arthritis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, plaque psoriasis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

Drug manufacturer: Amgen.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Enbrel (etanercept) is an immunomodulatory drug, which works by blocking the function of a chemical product called TNF alfa and beta. Etanercept binds to the TNF alfa and beta chemical products and blocks its action on the cell’s surface. It inhibits the local inflammatory response. The etanercept is used as the treatment of choice for various autoimmune diseases. It can be administered by an injection under the skin. Several devices and preparations are available for self-injection, making this drug efficient and convenient for patient use and disease control.

2 Harvoni® (Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir)

Net sales: 9.09 billion during 2016, a 100% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for Treatment of Hepatitis C virus.

Drug manufacturer: Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Harvoni is a fixed-dose combination of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir, both drugs work by blocking the viral replication of the Hepatitis C virus. The Harvoni is the first treatment to prevent or revert the liver damage and in several cases the progression to liver cancer of the Hepatitis C virus. The Harvoni is the new hope for a definitive cure for chronic viral diseases and cancers. The Harvoni drug is taken by mouth as a single pill for 8 to 24 weeks. Afterward, the liver damage caused by the virus might be stopped or reversed. This medicine created a significant controversy for its high price, but in the long term, it is cheaper than the treatment of any of the natural disease progression complications and the liver cancer.

1 Humira (Adalimumab)

Net sales: 16.08 billion. during 2016, an 11% increase is expected for 2017.

Indicated for treatment of: rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, ankylosing spondylitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and Uveitis.

Drug manufacturer: AbbVie.

Company’s headquarters country: United States.

Humira (adalimumab) is a monoclonal antibody, which reduces the autoimmune response and inflammation by blocking the chemical product called TNF alfa and by altering the cellular receptor for the TNF chemical products. Therefore, it reduces the inflammation markedly in joints and tissues. Humira is administered as an injection under the skin. It has been used for the last 0 years with excellent results improving the life quality and reducing the pain and deformation of the joint diseases.


The top-selling drugs are molecules designed in the laboratory to mimic some immunological functions of the chemical products secreted and produce for healthy immune cells. Those human-made created molecules are particular in its role and act on unique areas of the cell limiting the side effect and improving the target organ or tissues. The future of these new chemical compound is bright, and the medical technology is every day closer to find effective remedies and cures for the chronic and fatal diseases.

The pharmaceutical industry will maintain an economic growth during the next decades. Probably the genetically modified molecules will be leading the sales during the next ten years.

This content is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for formal and individualized diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed medical professional. Do not stop or alter your current course of treatment. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2017 Dr Aron Mejias


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