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The 4 Types of Goals You Didn't Know About

Updated on July 22, 2020
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Avyukth is a passionate individual who believes in living life on his own terms.


The feeling of achieving one's life goals is unparalleled. It fills us with confidence and pride. It helps us gain respect in society. It is not just the destination but the journey which also matters. The process of working towards something gives us a sense of purpose. But often, our goals are not balanced. They are focused only on one area of life. To lead a fulfilling life, we need to have these 4 types of goals. They are :-

  1. Materialistic goals
  2. Adventure goals
  3. Personality goals
  4. Social goals

Materialistic goals

This is the most common category of goals. In today's world, we all chase materialistic pleasure. Society validates a person based on his / her materialistic success. People often ask you these questions.

  • Which car do you want to drive?
  • Where do you wish to live?
  • How much money do you want to make ?

It is important for one to achieve these goals. But life is not only about materialistic goals. There are three other categories which people tend to ignore.


Adventure goals

Materialistic goals help you make a living. But adventure goals help you make your life worth living. So ask yourself these questions.

  • What do I want to experience in life?
  • What are the dream destinations I wish to visit ?
  • Which mountain peak do I want to conquer ?

Answering these will help you set adventure goals for yourself. There are so many adventurous activities like hiking, skydiving, scuba diving, paragliding etc. These help you overcome your fears. They give you experiences that cannot be described in words. By achieving these goals, you make memories that will last a lifetime.


Personality goals

These are goals you have with respect to your skills and habits. You need to understand that you are your biggest asset. Working on yourself is the best investment you can make. We spend our lives working for others. But we rarely spend time developing ourselves.

  • Would you like to learn a new skill like singing or maybe coding?
  • Do you want to develop the habit of reading books ?
  • Do you want to lose / gain weight ?
  • Are you trying to improve your sleep schedule ?
  • Would you like to learn to meditate?

Don't just wish that all of this would happen. Set goals and make them happen. These goals help you work on yourself. The achievement of these goals contribute to your personality development.

“ Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

— Jim Rohn

Social goals

In my opinion, this category of goals is highly overlooked.They ensure that we have a balanced lifestyle. People often leave this to chance. They just accept whatever happens. But it is important to set goals and take control of your social life.

  • What kind of friends do you want to have?
  • What kind of relationship do you want to have with your family members?
  • How would you like to show your gratitude towards your mother or father?
  • Do you want to improve / fix your relationship with a certain person ?
  • Do you want to help underprivileged people and give back to society ?

The answers to these questions will help figure out your social goals. These will help in satisfying your emotional needs.


2 Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Figuring out your goals is just the first part. You need to start working on them in order to realize them. Here are two simple yet powerful techniques to achieve your goals.

Write your goals down

Writing your goals down is a powerful habit. We have anywhere between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts every day. Our goals are just a few among these thousands of thoughts. There are high chances that we eventually forget about them. So we need to write them down and look at them at least once a day. This increases accountability. It also keeps us focused and helps us stay on the right track.

The reason / motivation behind the goal

It is not enough if we write what we want to achieve. We also need to write why we want to achieve a certain goal. This reason statement can even be two pages long. Give a detailed explanation as to why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whenever you are low on motivation, read your reason. It reminds you of why you started. It rekindles that spark in you.


Your actions must be consistent with your goals. A person who has solid goals will not spend hours together on social media. You should also make it a point to consistently achieve your goals. So every time you set a goal for yourself, your mind automatically knows that it has to be achieved. There is no other option. This way you will develop a habit of achievement. This will immensely boost your confidence. It will also give you the momentum you require to achieve your future goals. This will take you closer to your dreams and help you realize them. When you're old, you won't have regrets but you'll have the smile of a life well lived.

© 2020 Avyukth Krishna


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