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The Advantages of Reducing or Quitting Your Caffeine Infused Coffee Habit

Updated on February 18, 2017

Morning Routine

The alarm is ringing, the room so cold clouds of warm breath leave a trail, you ponder the most well-organized method for arriving at the kitchen. Pyjamas, check. Dressing gown, check. Glasses, check. Why? To engage in early morning me-time and surround oneself in the velvety aroma of the freshly brewed bean of choice. Of course, the instant variety qualifies too. As you feel the warmth within your body, the following jolt of energy is a welcome addition to the morning routine.

I, like many millions, begin their day in adoration of coffee.

As a representation of my love, I drink my morning coffee from an oversized mug. My current vessel can hold one litre of liquid, and one litre of coffee I consume of a morning. What’s more interesting, however, is that said receptacle cost me GBP 0.99 around five years ago, travelled alongside me to China, and is still going strong.

In fact, I am drinking from it as I type yet with a drastic difference from the years preceding. I am drinking a wonderfully spicy cinnamon and mint tea. Today I want to focus on my coffee-consuming history as well as emphasise the benefits of quitting or drastically reducing one’s coffee intake.

Coffee Question

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

See results

Coffee Health Benefits

Before beginning in earnest, let's cover the varying health benefits of coffee oft-reported in newspapers, day-time television and on the internet.

In brief, then, coffee is said to aid in preventing type 2 diabetes; higher consumption of coffee could prevent Parkinson’s disease; diminish the probability of liver cancer; and even shrink the odds of heart failure. All of this before we even consider the antioxidant content.

This video provides an outline and analysis of the benefits associated with regularly drinking coffee.

Coffee Addiction

Let’s begin with a brief outline how I, identical to many, became (I don’t like to use the word but one must face the facts) addicted to coffee.

The adoration of coffee developed in tandem with my acquiring a part-time job at the meagre age of 16. I worked Friday and Saturday evenings at a local pizza joint. As preparation for my shift, I would indulge in a carafe of fresh coffee. At first, I noticed the high that was strong enough to hold me straight throughout work. As time went on, I had the ‘hey, I actually like coffee’ moment. This was combined with ever growing freedom from my parents; socialising often centred on coffee shops.

Guess what I was drinking!

A few months over the age of 18, I was carted off to university. My coffee collection and machinery with. During this period of my life I was high on caffeine buzzing from lecture, to seminar, to part-time (stretches full-time) job, to the library and, knowingly, to whatever bar or club friends and I could stumble upon. I appreciated the russet fluid with my classmates, colleagues and teachers. The coffee fuelled an unhealthy lifestyle. I still, throughout this time, maintained my exercise and diet routine but I noticed a stark increase in my ingestion of black lava.

Now, a teacher, I have recently turned a caffeine corner. I decided, with most strength and conviction, to reduce my coffee intake to just a sip (in contrast to the past).

I now only drink one coffee per day.

My morning coffee remains part of my routine. I have to confess, nevertheless, that my impetus for this was not my health, instead, vanity. My partner, on our return from Britain after Christmas (where coffee consumption was extremely high), pointed out my teeth were turning yellow. No doubt this was aided by coffee.

For artistic purposes only. Luckily my teeth didn't reach this stage.
For artistic purposes only. Luckily my teeth didn't reach this stage.

Reducing Coffee Consumption

I write in retrospect of the day-long coffee habit. In fact, it was far easier to quit and control the cravings than I believed possible. I wasn’t as tired or lethargic as I thought. What’s more, I saw almost instant results with my teeth. In my mind, anyway, teeth were whiter, brighter, and remain so, improving by the day.

What else did I notice?

  • Focussing on tasks of the day seems easier, simpler
  • Procrastination seems a vice of the past; no longer focussing on the immediate coffee top-up rather keep on track with each task
  • Far calmer; a reduction of worrying about nonsensical issues of the day – this is still part of my personality but I guess a certain anxiety was fuelled by caffeine.

The Top 5 Benefits of Reducing Coffee Intake

What of the general benefits of quitting (drastically reducing) coffee? Below I present, from research and experience, my top results.

  1. Whiter Teeth

    I spoke of this above but I emphasise it again for those vain out there. If you stop (reduce) your coffee intake, you will notice a shade brighter within a week.

  2. Improve Energy Levels

    Many an evening in the past, I savoured a coffee before bed. It was a way of calming from the long day. That said, without my knowing, sleep was disrupted thus woke craving more caffeine. Consequently, I can battle through a day feeling energised because I’m sleeping better. Simple.

  3. Improve Digestive System

    Coffee has an adverse impact on one’s digestive system. I feel more comfortable throughout the day with less bloating.

  4. General Health Concerns

    Literature abounds the internet vowing the benefits and drawbacks of consuming coffee. From my research, I consider it safer to avoid excess coffee, especially so if you take the drink with sugar, cream etc.

  5. Don’t be Controlled

    I now realise (physically), I was being controlled by a drug. Caffeine was fuelling my day, regulating movement from one task to another. I feel cleansed and optimistic that I have broken a bad habit. What’s next?

Concluding Thoughts

I feel some kind of inspiration, power almost, from the decision to give up my day-long coffee habit. Yes, I still consume my morning cup of joe. However, I relish this moment. Compare this to the past – sucking back a coffee as quick as possible, awaiting the bump of caffeine.

Throughout the day, now, I enjoy tea of all variety (yet lighter) or rather take a moment to respect the straightforwardness of water.

Take small steps. Remove one cup per day from your habit. Before you know it you’ll be down to one serving or end coffee altogether.

See you.


I am more than one month into reducing my coffee drinking habit.

So far so good. I have more energy making it easier to get through the day. I find the afternoons are far easier to battle through than when I was addicted to coffee.

As I side note, I also find that my digestion process is far more efficient than when I was consuming vast amounts of caffeine throughout the day.

What's more, I have found a wealth of tea is available for one to appreciate, both caffeinated and not.

There we have it, one month on and I still urge you to consider reducing or even quitting coffee!


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